Holidays in March 2020

Holidays in March 2020 include several joyous occasions and festivals to celebrate with your loved ones. Some significant Indian festivals will be observed throughout this month, which includes Holi, Cheti Chand, Chaitra Navratri, Ugadi, Gangaur, Gudi Padwa and much more.

This auspicious month of March begins with the colourful festival of Holi, and concludes with Chaitra Navratri, when nine incarnations of the divine Goddess Durga are worshipped. These March 2020 holidays mentioned below will be observed both locally and nationally. Corresponding Vikrami Lunar Months for March are Phalgun and Chaitra, which marks the arrival of spring. The weather during this month remains neutral, however after the arrival of Holi, it is believed that Summers slowly start seeping in.

Below is a quick list of all the main holidays and festivals observed by various communities prevalent in India. Scroll down to read the table and find out the exact date and day on which the festival is falling,. Also, read precise description of March 2020 Holidays and know their cultural and universal significance. We have provided below information about Holidays in March 2020.

List of Holidays in March 2020

Date Day Festival
8th March Sunday International Women's Day
9th March Monday Holika Dahan
10th March Tuesday Holi
22nd March Sunday Lailat al Miraj
25th March Wednesday Chaitra Navratri, Ugadi, Gudi Padwa

March 2020 Holidays International Women's Day

On 8th March in the year 2020, International Women’s Day will be observed. This annual holiday majorly signifies the importance of womanhood as well as women’s rights. This day is largely observed throughout the globe, and marks the contribution made by women over the past years. Physical, social, cultural, emotional and political achievements gained by women all over the years are recognized, and gender discrimination is criticised.

Holika Dahan

One of the Holidays in March 2020 is Holika Dahan, which marks the elimination of evil over good, and will be celebrated on 9th March in 2020 during Phalgun Purnima. This marks the eve before the main day, Holi, and is celebrated by burning wood pyres and other combustible materials. This pyre represents Holika; an Asura and sister of the Demon King Hiranyakashyap, who sat in fire and tricked her nephew Prahlad, the son of the King and true devotee of Lord Vishnu, to sit with her. This ritual signifies the power of faith and devotion, which lead to Lord Vishnu saving his devotee and burning Holika. People prepare regional delicacies and circumambulate around it, wishing for good health and prosperity.


In the year 2020, Holi falls on 10th March and is observed during the Krishna Paksha on Pratipada in the month of Chaitra. It is widely recognized as the festival of colours, and marks the arrival of the season Spring. After the Holika is burnt, the very next day is filled with colours, merriment, delicious dishes such as Gujhiyas and Bhang and much more. People of all age groups celebrate this day with fervour, apply colours, throw water balloons and dance with their family friends. Different variations of Holi is celebrated in different states of India, such as Dhulandi in Haryana, Lathmar Holi in Barsana, Braj, Rangpanchami in Malwa, Madhya Pradesh and so on.

Click here to know: Holidays in April 2020

Lailat al Miraj

Lailat al-Mi'raj, also popularly known as Shab-e-Mi'raj, is one of the most celebrated Islamic Holidays in the Islamic Calendar. This event will be widely observed by Muslims in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran and all around the world on 22nd March in 2020. This day remarks the spiritual Night Journey, Isra and Miraj, taken by Prophet Mohammad in a single night. People offer evening prayers, and decorate their homes with lights and candles. Natives gather around with their family and friends at the mosque, offer Salah or prayers, share Islamic knowledge and then gorge of delicious feasts and delicacies.

Chaitra Navratri

Chaitra Navratri begins on 25th March in 2020, and lasts for about nine days. It is an elaborative Hindu festival and falls on the Prathama during Shukla Paksha in the month of Chaitra. Goddess Durga and her nine incarnations are devotedly worshipped during these nine days, with each day being dedicated to one divine form of the Goddess. This festival is popularly known as Ram Navratri, as the ninth day celebrates the birth of Lord Ram, called Ram Navami. Devotees fast for nine consecutive days, eat Sabudana, Kuttu Ki Poori, dishes made from Water Chestnut Flour or Singhara Flour and avoid consuming onion, garlic or any kind of meat or non-veg. Following are the nine incarnations worshipped during Chaitra Navratri:


Ugadi is a prominent Hindu festival observed in the Deccan region and marks the beginning of a New Year for natives living in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Telangana states. Amongst Holidays in March 2020, Ugadi will be observed on 25th March, which falls on the Prathama tithi in Shukla Paksha in the month of Chaitra. People renovate and decorate their houses, buy new clothes, make rangolis and tie Mango leaves at the door front. The front yard of the house is sprinkled with cow dung-mixed water with an intention of purifying the house. A famous dish called Ugadi Pachadi, which comprises of all six tastes (sweet, bitter, sour, salty, tangy, spicy) combined, is widely enjoyed on this day.

Gudi Padwa

One of the famous March Holidays in 2020 is Gudi Padwa, which falls on 25th March. It is a famous Marathi and Konkani festival and celebrated on the First Date or Pratipada during Shukla Paksha in the Chaitra month. As per Hindu Panchang, Hindu New Year or Nav Samvatsar begins from this day. On this day, natives decorate their houses with Rangolis, Cow Dung and raise a Gudhi at the courtyard. One of the distinguished sights, Gudhi is said to be a flag-like structure comprising of a bamboo stick with a silk cloth tied at the end, adorned with mango or neem leaves and flower garlands. This structure is crowned with an upturned copper or silver pot or vessel. Devotees dance and carry out street processions. In Maharashtra, famous dishes such as Shrikhand and Puran Poli are prepared to mark the occasion.

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