Monthly Horoscope
Monthly Horoscope means the whole month's predictive analysis based on the zodiac sign or Ascendant of a native. It provides the person with 30-days information about his/her’s life, circumstances awaiting for him/her in the near future and what remedies one can take to avoid any kind of suffering. To know your monthly horoscope, choose your zodiac sign:
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What is a Monthly Horoscope?
Want to know what lies ahead for you in future? Whether you’ll be able to succeed in achieving your monthly goal at office? Will there be bumps in your way? AstroSage provides you with all the information about what’s in store for you this month and remedies which can be put to use in order to lessen the outcomes. Read the monthly horoscope and find detailed and accurate predictions based on your zodiac sign about events happening in the near future.
As per Vedic Astrology, every native falls under a zodiac sign according to his/her date, time and place of birth. Those signs represent his.her personality, nature and approach towards life. 12 signs exist in the Zodiac Calendar and exhibit distinguished personalities, skills, strengths, weaknesses, talents and so on. It enables you to make right decisions and prepare for the worst.
As defined, monthly horoscope is a detailed version of weekly horoscope and highlights numerous planetary movements, transits and positions over a course of month when predicting for a specific zodiac sign. Natives are provided with the information about what aspects might prove to be auspicious or inauspicious for them throughout this month, things they should look forward to, activities to refrain from and spiritual undertakings.
Our team of skilled astrologers follow a specific set of rules and guidelines to ensure the accuracy of predictions. These predictions give a sense of power to the native and help him to remain calm, composed and prepared during the time of turbulence. It allows the native to kick-start the month in a planned manner and stay away from negativity. One can gain solutions on various aspects if life such as career, education, profession, love, marriage, wealth, family, kids, relationships and so on.
Monthly Horoscope: Aesthetic Significance
Every kind of people live in our society. Some are believers of astrology and horoscopes, whereas some relate the occurences to science and practical logic. Let us tell you that the today’s horoscope, weekly horoscope or monthly horoscope is such a calculation done by observing the position of constellations, planets and sun-moon conditions etc in the coming days, weeks, months etc.
The origin of horoscope is determined through astrological calculations, in which information about a native’s present and future is shown on the basis of celestial events. The intense study of these astronomical objects only tells about their effects and side effects in a person's life. When calculating, position of the transiting planets is also kept in mind, such as position of moon in which zodiac sign or which planet is in motion.
As we all know that there are 30 days in a month and 12 months in a year. From the beginning of every month, one starts planning for the next 30 days. Curiosity takes over and natives think of ways to get through the month, In this case, the monthly horoscope acts as a prediction for them.
Benefits & Advantages
In today's world, people think more about the future than present. Monthly horoscope predictions give us information related to life problems, bad health, benefits, losses, travel, property, family etc. Just imagine that if a person is already aware of the activities which might take place in the next 30 days, s/he will prepare her/himself mentally for all the conditions and emerge as the winner. Along with all the effort and persistence, s/he will try to move forward in his life and speed up his work to attain progress.
As we all know that there are 12 zodiac signs according to Astrology -
- Aries: Strong, determined, impulsive, loyal
- Taurus: Stable, focussed, calm, stubborn
- Gemini: Socially active, friendly, expressive, flexible
- Cancer: Goal oriented, emotional, gentle at heart
- Leo: Ruler, fearless, charismatic, over confident at times
- Virgo: Perspective, analytical, helpful, problem-solver
- Libra: Balanced, affectionate, loving
- Scorpio: Intuitive, impactful, smart
- Sagittarius: Energetic, risk-taker, exciting
- Capricorn: Hard working, shrewd, sophisticated
- Aquarius: Creative, unconventional, contains a big heart
- Pisces: Romantic, compassionate, imaginative
All these signs have their weaknesses, strengths, attributes, attitude towards people and desires. Monthly horoscope describes a native’s priorities, needs and shortcomings by evaluating the position of planets at the time of birth. Here are some benefits:
- Instead of reading daily horoscope, monthly predictions save time, energy and efforts. It gives the native time to plan his/her entire month and provides a window for expectations.
- It helps to determine a fixed path and extract positive results and outcomes.
- Monthly horoscope throws some light on your relationship with business partners, friends, family members, spouse or partner, and warns of any dispute emerging in the near future.
- It gives you an auspicious muhurat to start your business, career, romantic relationship or even business.
- It narrates about the energies lying around you and how to make good use of them in order to attain your targets and eliminate challenges.
Assistance @ AstroSage
At AstroSage, we help you find out what your monthly horoscope or Kundli says about your life. AstroSage predicts your monthly horoscope by analysing the position of Moon during the time of your birth. Read along and find what stars have in the box for you.