அடுத்த வாரத்தின் தனுசு ராசி பலன் - Adutha Vaarathin Dhanusu Rasi Palan

6 May 2024 - 12 May 2024
If you want to lead a happy life this week, then you should definitely bypass your stubborn and obstinate attitude. Because with this, you may have to spoil your good relations with others along with getting wasted time. Due to Jupiter being placed in the sixth house with respect to the moon sign,-Due to one of your colleagues at the workplace this week, your image will be tarnished. This will not only put a break on your financial increment, but you will also have to suffer from financial loss. This week is great for going on a picnic with your family or friends. This will not only lighten your mind, but it will also enable you to improve your relationship with them further. In terms of career, you have to avoid unnecessary delays while completing any task or put it aside for later. Because only then you will be able to get the support and appreciation of your seniors on the field. This week the Gods of Wisdom will work towards providing the fruits of hard work to many students and achieving success in their respective fields.. At the same time, students preparing for competitive exams will also get luck.
Remedy: Chant “Om Brihaspataye Namah” daily 21 times.
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