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Mercury Transit in Leo (August 01, 2022)

Mercury transit in Leo

Mercury transit in Leo article by AstroSage, will provide you with the zodiac-wise predictions for the soon to happen Mercury transit. Besides this, we will also enlighten you with some remedies that you can use to protect yourself and your family from the negative effects of this transit. For your information, this article is curated by our learned astrologers and is based on Vedic Astrology. In this blog, you will find out the impact of Mercury transit in Leo on various aspects of your life. So, let’s move ahead and find the impact of this transit in 12 zodiac signs.

Mercury Transit 2022

According to Vedic Astrology, Mercury transit in Leo will take place on August 1, 2022. The planet Mercury is known for the bestowments like good education, business, sharp intellect, and pleasing appearance. Mercury also monitors family life; it is related to peace of mind, earnings, intellect, education in business if it is favorable. Mercury rules over two signs Gemini and Virgo, and it is exalted in Virgo and is debilitated in Pisces. Mercury reaches its full maturity at the age of 32. Mercury gives its best results when the native is between 32 and 35 years of age. When Mercury is weak in the chart or if it is ill aspected, it will give chronic dysentery, constipation, lack of digestive fire, lung disease, asthma, restlessness, kidney problem, fever and madness. And if Mercury is positively placed, then it will keep a person in good stead in relation to family, society and occupation linked with accounting and education. It will also make the natives lovable and favorite among their relatives.

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Mercury transit in Leo: Timing and Importance

The planet Mercury is considered to be the strongest planet and has a major impact on each zodiac sign. Mercury in Leo will boost up your confidence, increase your communication skills, push your mind towards an optimistic view, give space to your mind to have a greater thought process. Mercury in Leo makes the native unchallengeable, and this is also the reason for Leo natives’ attitude and arrogance. During this transit, you have to be cautious as you won’t be able to listen to anyone’s advice and think that their ideas are not good enough for you, which you might, in the later stage, regret. This transit is going to be very favorable for most of the zodiac signs from an income perspective as they will have a secret source of income. Some natives may face some difficulty in their professional life, and the only key to success for them will be hard work.

Mercury transit in Leo will take place on 1 August 2022, at 3: 38 am, and will be posted in the Leo sign till 21 August 2022, Sunday, and then it will proceed into the sign of Virgo.

Let us find out the influence of Mercury transit in Leo on all the zodiac signs-

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For Aries Moon sign, the planet Mercury is the ruling lord of the third house and sixth house and is transiting in the fifth house of love, romance and children. The native will be very enthusiastic and passionate about all his endeavors during Mercury transit in Leo. This time period will be very good for the students who are preparing for competitive examinations as their retention power and focus will be excellent during this period. Professionally, you will do well in all your work and projects during this transit, and you can also expect promotion on new opportunities coming your way. Not just this, you will also get noticed by your superiors and subordinates, and you would also be great in expanding your communication skills interacting with new people around you. Financially, things will remain positive for you, and you will see a hike in your income during this period. In your personal life, you may have to take some responsibility and there might also be short trips on your card. Natives who are trying for a baby will surely get positive results. Natives who are in a relationship will involve good vigilance over relationships with mutual communication and understanding. Healthwise, you will stay fit and fine during this period due to the increased responsibility in your personal life. There might be a little mental stress which you may cure through proper meditation and yoga.

Remedy: Wash the new clothes before wearing them.

Aries Weekly Horoscope


For the Taurus moon sign, Mercury is the ruling lord of the second and fifth house and it will be transiting in the fourth house of comfort, mother and luxuries. During this transit, Taurus natives will be strong and determined towards their work. There would be confidence in their communication and they will be able to persuade people around them. If the native decides on starting something new at work, it will give them good profit and this will prove to be beneficial for them. Financially, things will be good for the native and you may plan to invest in movable assets during this period. In your personal life too, time will be pretty good and natives will share good moments with their family. Natives who are in love will enjoy the warmth in their bond. You would improve relationships with your loved ones and will make new bonds. Parents will be happy as children would have a blissful time during this period and they would process quick and substantial learning skills and they will be high on intellect. Healthwise, you may see a few ups and downs and you have to take good care of your parents, especially your mother’s health during this period.

Remedy: Donate rice and milk at temples.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope


For the Gemini Moon sign, the planet Mercury is the Lord of first and fourth house and is transiting in the third house of communication, short trips, siblings. During this transit, the natives will notice a gradual increase in the energy and they will be more enthusiastic. Natives may also plan a short trip/vacation with friends and acquaintances during this time. Your relationship with your siblings will be strong and you may receive support from them during this transit. Natives would be actively involved in physical activities and would excel in exercising and sports. Professionally, natives who are involved in the field of writing will see a good time and will attract great viewers with their good writing skills.

Natives who are in a job can expect a promotion or a transfer during this period natives who are into business may go on trips and expand their relationship and make new clients. In your personal life you may have to see some issues with your family hence you have to be cautious. During this period, you will be a little possessive for your siblings. Financially, the expenses may rise during this period and hence you are advised to invest and save more rather than spending all your money. Healthwise things will remain cordial and you will stay physically fit and sound during this period.

Remedy: Feed cows before you sit to eat.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

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For the Cancer Moon sign, the planet Mercury is the ruling lord of your third and twelfth house and it will be transiting in the second house of wealth, speech and family. During this transit, the native may incur higher expenditure, the expense could be on family related affairs or on household products and appliances. This period is not suitable for making huge investments as losses could occur. Moreover, there might be some stress in daily life as far as finances are concerned. professionally, all the natives' ventures will be successful if the native are involved in family business.

Natives who are in jobs, your seniors will be happy with your work during this transit. Natives who are in business may see good profits during this transit. In your personal life, things will be happy and blissful and you will have good bonding with your family members. Married life of the natives will also stay blissful during this period. Healthwise, you need to take proper precautions regarding your health to keep yourself fit during this transition as you will be stressed in taking decisions for your future aspects.

Remedy: Drink water in silver glass

Cancer Weekly Horoscope


For the Leo moon sign, Mercury is the Lord of the second and eleventh house and it will be transiting in the first house of self, personality and character. Professionally, the native will earn good profit in terms of business. Natives who are in job luck will support them and you will turn risky projects into vital opportunities and accomplishments. Great connections with influential people will enter your life and you will achieve heights and success and you may expect a hike in your salary or position. financially, the stars will be in your favor and you will have more than one source of earning.

Also, previous investments done by you will give you profitable results during this period and this transit of Mercury in your zodiac sign will indicate a good financial status for you. In personal life, native will see an average time during this period and it is an advice for the native to maintain a cordial relationship with everyone during this transit. Healthwise you have to keep a check on your health and maintain a proper routine and you have to avoid overthinking and exertion of any kind.

Remedy: If possible, keep a fast on Wednesdays.

Leo Weekly Horoscope


For the Virgo moon sign mercury is the Lord of first and tenth house it will be transiting in the 12th house Of salvation, expenditure and foreign gains. During this transit, the native has to keep control or check over their finances as there may be an increase in their expenses which may lead to overburden. Natives may make expenditure in unnecessary things which may imbalance their earnings and expenditure and hence it is advised to make proper planning to avoid wastage of money. Professionally, natives who are working will have a favorable period and natives Will get praise for their good work and they may also earn incentive during this period. Natives who are in business will also get benefited and may also have A chance to travel abroad and get business opportunities from there. Family life of the native will be average as there might be some arguments in the married life of the native. Hence it is advised to keep your calm and not to indulge in conflicts. Healthwise, diseases might surround you and you may be prone to multiple diseases during this period your immune system may also become weak and hence it is advised to maintain a regular exercise and a good diet during this transit.

Remedy: Donate green grass or sabut Moong dal in the temple.

Virgo Weekly horoscope


For the Libra Moon sign, the planet Mercury is the ruling lord of the ninth and twelfth house; it will be transiting in the eleventh house of income, desire and gains.

Mercury transit in Leo, will bring good growth and success for the natives in their professional life as the Mercury is transiting in the house of profit. For the native who have delayed their vacations or road trip for a long time due to their busy schedule will finally get a chance to go on a trip. Professionally, the natives are going to make good profits and will do exceptionally good in business as well.

Natives related jobs of travel, sales, marketing will see good success in this transit. Natives will increase their networking and will make influencing and new friends who would be creative in various aspects of life. Financially, the period will be very good as the native will be earning good profit during this period and they will also have multiple sources of income. This is a good time to invest your money by taking expert advice for long-term gain. In personal life you will be very social during this period and you will be making a lot of good friends and during this time you will also be very close with your siblings. Healthwise, things will be favorable for you and you will be physically and mentally fit during this period.

Remedy: Keep fasts on Wednesday.

Libra Weekly Horoscope

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For the Scorpio Moon sign , the planet Mercury is the ruling lord of the eleventh and the eight houses and is transiting in the tenth house of profession, name and fame. The native during this transit will see ups and downs in their career, those who are in a job will have to work very hard to achieve the results, the native those who are looking for a job may have to wait for some more time to find a good opportunity. But this is the best for the native who is starting a new venture as they will see good results during this period.

Financially, natives can invest in some fixed assets and can get favors from their ancestors and you can also earn a lot if you put some extra effort into your work. Along with this, if native belongs to the insurance sector you can expect good clients and positive incentives at the workplace. Married life will remain average for the natives and they may feel irritated but are advised to keep calm. Natives who are single are advised not to come into a committed relationship during this period of time. Healthwise, your health will be average and hence you are advised to take proper precautions and a healthy diet.

Remedy: Chant the Beej Mantra of Mercury.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

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For the Sagittarius Moon sign, the planet Mercury is the ruling lord of the seventh and tenth house and it will be transiting in the ninth house of luck, spirituality and religion. Professionally, the period will be fruitful for the natives as they will have a good partnership in business with good gains and natives who are in jobs will get good support from their seniors and colleagues. Financially, it will be good as you will be booking profit and this is the time to invest in fixed assets or property. And in personal life, the married natives will share a good bond with their partner and may also plan on vacation with their spouse. There may be a celebration and auspicious event in your family and you will be enjoying good moments and memories with the entire family. Natives who are single may also get an opportunity to get married during this period. Healthwise, everyone will enjoy good mental and physical health but it is still advised to practise proper meditation and yoga to stay fit and healthy.

Remedy: You should wear all shades of green as it will give you an auspicious result.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope


For the Capricorn Moon sign, the planet Mercury is the Lord of the sixth and ninth house and it will be transiting in the eighth house of occult, sudden loss/gain and inheritance.

Mercury transit in Leo will make natives feel a little low as professionally he might have to face some challenges and the native who are in business need not be able to convert the deals in business properly. Students in research work shall get the results they want and they can also go for higher studies. During this period, the natives will be inclined to words of consigns and mystical forces.

Financially, the period may be a little challenging for you to be very cautious while investing during this period hence it is advised to make proper investigation before making any investments. In personal life, the family life of the native will remain average, the native may spend some quality time with their in-laws if married. There are chances of little conflict in the married couple's life and hence you are advised to keep patience . Healthwise, you have to be cautious for your physical as well as mental Health, especially your food consumption should be healthy and you should do exercise regularly and it is advised to take proper rest in order to keep your mind and body peaceful.

Remedy: Respect all the females in your household.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope


For Aquarius' moon sign, Mercury is the ruling lord of the fifth and eighth house; it will be posted in the seventh house of marriage and partnership. During this transit professionally, the natives will do well in his/her job and will get appreciation from the same. Moreover, natives will build new contacts in the business field and will accept new ideas from others. Financially, this period favors gambling and speculative activity but still it advised not to take huge risks. In personal life the native who is unmarried might get a chance to have a life partner. Native who are already in the process of discussing an alliance with their in-laws will be beneficial. Natives who are in a relationship will be an auspicious time for a relationship. Married life of the native will be average and they have to avoid any kind of misunderstanding that may lead to conflicts and fights. Health wise, the native might get some communicable disease hence they are required to take proper care of their health and stay fit. Native trying to have a baby will surely get positive results.

Remedy: Offer gifts to your sister occasionally and you should remain fair in your business practices.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope


For Pisces natives, the planet Mercury is the ruling lord of the fourth and seventh house; and it will be transiting in the sixth house. During this transit, Pisces natives may have to face strong and active opponents professionally, but you will be able to face them boldly. It is advised that you should avoid any kind of office politics and focus on your matters more than anything else. Financially, it is advised that you should avoid any kind of huge investments or loans from the market as it may affect you in the long run. Also, natives may like to spend on materialistic things which might affect your finances. Hence, you should spend carefully while keeping a proper budget in your mind. In personal life, things will remain average and hence you have to work hard on building up your bond with your family members. Healthwise, this period may be troublesome as you might suffer from mental stress and you tension and diseases because of the financial imbalance, and hence it is advised to go on for regular checkups and take necessary precautions beforehand to stay healthy and fit.

Remedy: Feed green fodder to cows every Wednesday.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

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