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Retrograde Jupiter Transits in Capricorn (15 September 2021)- Meaning and Importance

Retrograde Jupiter will transit in Capricorn on 15 September 2021 at 4:22 AM, till it moves in the sign of Aquarius on 20th November 2021 at 11:23 AM. Jupiter is known as the lord of knowledge and recognised as a very significant planet. Planet Jupiter is often worshipped and also regarded as the planet of accomplishment and stability in Vedic Astrology. Read more about this Jupiter transit 2021 and find out how it will impact the lives of natives of all zodiac signs.

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Jupiter rules the north-east direction, male, sky factor and the colour yellow. Did you know Jupiter's influence is considered to be very auspicious in the Kendra of the house as compared to the other houses. Jupiter is friendly to the Sun, Moon and Mars and is neutral towards Saturn and keeps enmity towards Mercury and Venus. Jupiter is exalted in cancer sign and is debilitated in Capricorn. Jupiter is considered one of the most beneficial planets in the world of astrology and it is believed that it brings luck, fortune and rewards. Jupiter transiting can open a whole new line of opportunities and bring in the concept of enthusiasm providing benefit to the people in various aspects starting from flourishing a big business to delay in marriages, etc.

Jupiter is called the planet of growth and expansion and will benefit the native in the area of education, higher learning, travel, promotion, publishing and entrepreneurship. So during this period, you are likely to see enormous development in any of these before mentioned areas. Transit of Jupiter will take place; it is not considered much auspicious for existing in business as well as for the new ventures. The transition is going to be very good for some people and challenging for some. Jupiter is known to influence a person's mental power, enthusiasm, probe, generally the bill it is, professional skills and talent. It enhances one's personal professional life. The planet Jupiter confirms both good and bad bonds with the 12 Moon sign depending on the planetary positions. The transit of Jupiter seen in conjunction with Saturn and therefore this transit is considered to be very unique as the effect of this transit will be long-lasting. The major events are going to happen during this transit of Retrograde Jupiter. There is a strong possibility of earthquakes happening in some parts of the world. The transit of debilitated Jupiter can lead to political turmoil in some places.

हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें: वक्री गुरु का मकर राशि में गोचर

The Predictions In This Article Are Based On Moon Signs. Call best astrologers on phone and know in detail about the impact of Retrograde Jupiter on your life.


For Aries natives, Jupiter is the lord of the ninth and twelfth houses and is transiting in the tenth house of career, name and fame in a retrograde state. During this transit, natives will get achievements as Jupiter will move to the house of karma. Professionally, this transit will bring a big dream come true phase, where they actually can get recognition and appraisals. There may be travel, related to business which will prove beneficial. The native could also get a new job, promotion or increase in salary during this transit. It is advised to plan your career step by step for a better understanding of your future plans. Financially, you will feel comfortable as there will be a positive aspect of Jupiter on the second house, which is linked with finance and family members. However, your advice to keep enough money for sudden expenses. Relationship wise you are going to handle everything very tactfully as you will be wanting to preserve peace and harmony in your personal life so that you can focus on other important things. Children and family members can be very demanding during this period and family functions are also possible. Married couples will experience a happy and pleasant life. Family issues in the past can take a deep breath and Jupiter will be on your side, and these issues may get resolved comfortably. Healthwise, you are going to enjoy most of the time. However, do not neglect minor health ailments and treat the same with proper remedial measures promptly to save from any complications. Take precautionary measures to save yourself from viral infection catching up with you.

Remedy: Apply a paste of turmeric or orange sandalwood on your forehead.


For Taurus natives, Jupiter is the lord of the eighth and eleventh house and is transiting in the ninth house of religion, international journeys, luck/fortune and relationship with father in a retrograde state. During this transit, you may get a boost in your overall fortune and destiny. Professionally, job opportunities that you have been desiring for a long time may come your way. For those who are interested in jobs abroad, Jupiter will bless you with some better career opportunities in your path. Chances of promotion and recognition of your sincere effort are likely to improve. Your professional life is satisfactory and the cooperation of seniors will be there. You will get success in your goals and this period is a favourable one as you will get name fame and respect in your friend circle and among the relatives. Financially, your flow of income will remain favourable and satisfactory for you. You may also get some new source of income and you will not see any major expenses during this phase. Plan your finances in a long-term view and keep your provision for contingencies. Relationship wise, married couples have a happy and blissful period with their spouse. And natives in committed relationships, your relationship with your beloved improves due to better understanding and the influence of Jupiter. Single natives can get married during this time as you’re most likely to enter into a meaningful relationship. You are also likely to plan spiritual two hours as the involvement of the native and religious activities are foreseen. Healthwise, you will enjoy good health conditions during this transit. The health of the father will also recover.

Remedy: Wearing yellow coloured clothes in your day to day life will majorly help you.


For Gemini natives, Jupiter is the lord seventh and tenth house and is transiting in the eighth house of occult science, inheritance and sudden gain/loss in a retrograde state. During this transit professionally, business natives will get good deals from customers. However, business natives can find difficulty in making a delivery in time. Keep customers remaining aware of difficult situations experienced by you during this transit. Working natives need to put in more hard work and try to give more output to keep the position secured at your workplace. Financially, you have to take care of your finances and they will be fluctuating, it is advised that you should avoid any transaction that relates to lending and borrowing of money. This transit can also give chances for loans and other issues from insurance tax and PF. Relationship wise, married couples need to be careful while communicating with their partner as it may lead to some situations of misunderstanding and conflict. This is a good period for lovers as you will enjoy a good relationship during this transit. Natives will connect with the family during this period. Healthwise, you should take care of your health and also the health of your spouse and elderly members of the family. Unnecessary travelling should be avoided during this transit. So better take proper precautions regarding health issues.

Remedy: Feed jaggery to cow on Thursday.


For Cancer natives, Jupiter is the lord of the sixth and ninth house and, in a retrograde state, is transiting in the seventh house of marriage and partnership. During this transit professionally, you are likely to maintain good relations with your colleague and subordinate and also chances of opportunity of salary hike or a better job. The goals and targets you have set for your career may be achieved during this time. For business native, transit is beneficial as well. Your business expansion may remain promising and an ongoing dispute that you have might have with your business partner is likely to get resolved. For those who are looking to start a new business, this is the right time to go ahead. On the financial front, you are to remain in a healthy position and you don’t have to bear any kind of major expenses here. Unexpected financial gain is on the cards; however risky investment may ruin the savings. Your relationship with your partner and family members will improve, vacation with the love it is on the chart and you may be able to resolve the ongoing married problems. It is time to expect some positive result in your love life. Healthwise, in regard to health, common cold and cough can concern you. The health-related issues bother you therefore avoid late-night heavy dinner and also involve yourself in light exercise in the morning for remaining fit regularly.

Remedy: Worship Lord Vishnu and chant Vishnu Sahastranaam.

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For Leo natives, Jupiter is the lord of fifth and eight is transiting in the sixth house of debt, enemies and daily wages in a retrograde state. The transit seems to give you mixed results on the job front and you may not get the desired opportunity when it comes to your career. There will be big projects at work, but that can be stressful as Saturn is in conjunction in the workplace. You have to have enough stability to overcome all the issues at work. relationship-wise, you remain at unease due to some issue or other and need to keep your cool avoid conflict and keep away from controversies. Be very careful to deal with the relationship if you are married, you need to put sincere efforts and your marriage smooth flow. Otherwise, friction between you and your spouse may occur if you are in a committed relationship. So wait for planetary positions to change before committing any new relationship. Financially, you will be able to increase the inflow of money. Being here for the right strength to your position on the financial front you must spend money on some religious ceremony to boost your perspectives. Plan your finances, with a long-term view and save for the rainy day. Healthwise, you should be very careful about your health during these times as chances of minor health are on the chart.

Remedy: Offer fast on Thursdays.


For Virgo natives, Jupiter is the lord of the fourth and seventh houses and, in a retrograde state, is transiting in the fifth house of love, romance and children. Professionally, you are likely to improve your relationship with your subordinates, colleagues and superiors. For all the hard work and sincere efforts in your job, you may achieve reward and recognition. Your team will also respond to you in the desired way. Business meetings will also get profit during this time and business travel is also seen on the card. First students, this time it will be beneficial as they may get admission to the desired institute. It is also the right time to apply for higher studies in professional courses. Financially, This may be a good time to invest in property/vehicles as profits are on the cards, and if you’re planning to sell your property you would profit on the past investment also. Relationships wise you and your spouse will improve on your relationship and you will enjoy a pleasant and enjoyable time. Healthwise, In regard to health issues, catch up with you are you minded issues like common cough and cold and concern you at the same time we need to take your precautionary measures to save you from any viral infection during this time.

Remedy: Apply butter on Shivling.


For libra native, Jupiter is the lord of the third and sixth house and is transiting in the fourth house of comfort, mother, property and happiness. During this transit, career-oriented people will feel comfortable with their position and will remain motivated to put up improved performances. Business natives will have to work hard for the proper functioning of the business. Businesspersons will also get a huge opportunity to strike a big deal. Relationship wise, You may not get the desired response from your loved one and that may lead to some arguments or conflict which should be avoided. Financially, speculation and stock may give positive results depending on the strength and placement of Jupiter and Saturn in the natal chart. Healthwise, Some health issues may concern you. Doing this, take due care of health and you need to take precautionary measures to save yourself from the viral infection. This is a good period for child bride birth. Pregnant women should take care of themselves during the first quarter of the year.

Remedy: Worship Lord Vishnu and Vishnu sahasranamam.

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For Scorpio natives, Jupiter is the lord of the second and fifth house and is transiting in the third house of courage, siblings, communication and short trips in a retrograde state. Professionally, your work responsibilities are going to increase during this transit so brace yourself and get ready for it. If you’re looking to make changes in your career and go abroad this is the right time to increase your effort, however it may take sincere effort to build new professional contacts. Relationship wise for those who want to propose to their beloved, this transit will give you mixed results. There is a possibility of emotional and physical distance with your spouse. Financially unnecessary expenditures are there on the chart, the marginal increase in the inflow of money is a shot. You will be able to manage routine and incidental expenses comfortably. However, you need to plan the finance for the long term in view and have enough provision for your rainy day funds. Healthwise take care of the health of your mother and You should follow a proper diet and routine during this transit.

Remedy: Donate turmeric to the temple for eight consecutive days before starting anything new.

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For Sagittarius natives, Jupiter is the lord of the first and fourth house and is transiting in the second house of family, communication and speech in a retrograde state. During this transit on the financial front investments will generate profit in this period and is favourable for savings, especially for the family. During this transit, you may face some obstacle in your personal life and this could lead to the native losing their peace of mind. The natives should make sure they remain calm in the situation and maintain mental and physical composure. It is advised to practise yoga or meditation during this time. Professionally this year could be beneficial for the natives if there is potential growth in their business or professional life. You have to put in a lot of hard work and dedication in order to achieve your goals. People who are planning to meet a change in their job or want to diversify their business and be fine in their favour to make the decision fruitful. Relationship wise, married life will go smoother during this time and natives who are planning to get married especially love marriages can be planned during this time. Healthwise, the native may feel problems around their eyes and any issue related should be promptly referred to an eye specialist. Middle and old age people with already existing issues should take utmost care of their health and any sign of illness or disease should be taken into immediate consideration. It is advised to go for regular health check-ups and continue proper treatment.

Remedy: observe fast and listen to Satyanarayan Katha on every Poornima.


For Capricorn natives, Jupiter is the lord of the third and twelfth houses and is transiting in the first house of self and personality in a retrograde state. During this transit, the native may lack peace of mind over some issue or conflict with the loved ones. This time may be considered as the testing time and the transit may not be able to give you the desired materialistic possession during this period. It is advised to keep patience and overconfidence should be avoided and maintain cordial relationships with everyone. Relationship wise this period is not a good period for lovers and those who want to get married may find some obstruction or delay in finalising the proposals. Professionally the atmosphere at the workplace may also not be cordial and it is advisable to keep a normal relationship and avoid unnecessary arguments with your seniors. It is advised to adopt the path of honesty even in such adverse conditions. Financially it will be a favourable time to invest in long-term financial planning. Healthwise, you need to be very careful this year, taking into consideration the pandemic affecting the world. There are chances to get a viral infection this year therefore take any precautionary measures to keep yourself safe and healthy.

Remedy: Feed jaggery to cow on Thursday.


For Aquarius Natives, Jupiter is the lord of the second and 11th house and is transiting in the 12th house of expenditure, losses and salvation. During this transit financially your expenses may remain high and unnecessary expenses may keep you worried. it is advised for you to remain careful while dealing with matters related to property as there is also a possibility of cheating. If you are selling some immovable property you make face problems in finalising the deal. Circumstances may force you to live away from your family and you may be inclined to visit or make long-distance travel. Professionally this transit may not be very fruitful for you as you may be forced to take a decision to change your job. Therefore it is advised to keep aware while dealing with matters related to your professional life. Healthwise, during this period you may find yourself a little stressed out and there may be some anxiety that will make you lonely in life, therefore you are advised to adopt the path of spirituality and to find the truth of life.

Remedy: perform lord Shiva’s Rudra Abhishek.


For Pisces natives, Jupiter is the lord of the tenth and first house and is transiting in the eleventh house of gain, income and desires in a retrograde state. During this transit, you will get very good and auspicious results at the beginning of the transit and those who are born with Pisces ascendant the moon sign this is the time when you are likely to get returns of your hard work done in the past and you will be successful in performing your duties and responsibilities with devotion and you will also get appreciation as your reward. Professionally, this will be a very good period for you career-wise as you will feel fully satisfied with your work and you will be able to generate different sources of income in your life and you will get the full support of your seniors and subordinates. Financially, this is a sound position for you and investment during this period will give you well for a profit in the coming future. Relationship wise you will get full support of your friends and social circle and they will be always ready for your help and support which will make you active and optimistic during this period of time. You will get full support from your sibling and family members as well. An auspicious ceremony like marriage can also happen during this transit as this is a favourable time for the lovers to tie the knot. It is advisable for you to engage yourself in charitable activities as it will prove beneficial for you. Healthwise, your health will remain generally good during this time but still, it’s advised to keep a healthy diet and exercise regularly. For those who are waiting for a child, the chances of conception and childbirth are likely to improve. As the transit progresses, any major health issue will be minimised.

Remedy: Recite Guru Mantra at home regularly.

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