Understand Chinese Astrology Horoscope

Out of the many schools of Astrology, Chinese Astrology and Horoscope is one of the oldest. Like in western Astrology here too we have 12 signs however here each sign represents an animal. The twelve animal signs rotate in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese calendar. However there is more to Chinese Astrology and Horoscope than just the 12 animal signs. Let us try and understand, the brief history behind Chinese Astrology Horoscope, to start with.
The Lunar Calendar of Chinese Astrology and Horoscope
According to Chinese Astrology and Horoscope, the Chinese lunar calendar has 12 months of 29 or 30 days. The calendar is adjusted to the length of the solar year by the addition of extra months at regular intervals. A single major cycle of the Chinese calendar is that of 60 years. Each successive year is assigned to one out of twelve animals. These 12-year cycles are continuously repeated. The year 2012 in the Chinese calendar is the Year of the (Male Water) Dragon. It began on January 23, 2012 and will end on February 9, 2013.
The Chinese New Year is celebrated at the second new moon after the winter solstice and falls between January 21 and February 19 on the Gregorian calendar. Chinese New Year is on a different day every year because our western calendar (Gregorian) doesn't match with the Chinese Lunar Calendar. Thus, sometimes, the Chinese New Year lands in January, instead of the usual in February.
History of Chinese Astrology Horoscope
Chinese astrology is thousands of years old. This branch of Astrology is believed to have originated in China about the 3rd millennium BC. People in China, hold astrology in great regard. Like most astrology systems, the lunar calculations are used in Chinese astrology and Horoscope. This is why Chinese New Year falls on a different date every year.
Since its very inception Chinese Astrology and Horoscope are seen to mention the five element theory. So what are these Five Elements?
The Five Elements in Chinese Astrology and Horoscope
The five elements that are talked about in Chinese Astrology and Horoscope are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water that fall in this order. The cycle is indeed a productive cycle which is explained by scholars of Chinese Astrology as such:
Wood produces Fire; Fire produces Earth; Earth produces Metal, Metal produces Water, and Water produces Wood, thus continuing the cycle.
The Twelve Signs in Chinese Astrology and Horoscope
Chinese astrology has 12 Zodiac signs namely, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. There are variations in the names. Some people, for example, use Buffalo for Ox or Boar for Pig. Though it is difficult to trace the basis of animals being used as signs, still there is a legend that goes into explaining its origin. Here's the legend in brief, mentioned below:
Legend behind Chinese Astrology Horoscope
In tracing the origin of animal symbols in Chinese Astrology and Horoscope, we often come across the legend of Buddha, who conducted a special animal race. This is how the story goes, that once upon a time Buddha summoned all animals of animal Kingdom for a race, there were twelve animals that finished the acclaimed position . These were the animals that were declared animals of the Chinese year in the order that they finished the race.
The wheel in Chinese Astrology and Horoscope
This wheel in Chinese Astrology and Horoscope is actually a chart that can also be used as a calendar to know which animal sign a particular year belongs to. This is how one can read the wheel: the images of the twelve animals represent the twelve year repetitive cycle of the zodiac calendar.

What's your Chinese Astrology and Horoscope Sign?
Calculating your Chinese zodiac sign is very simple and easy. Each year of the Chinese calendar is associated with one of the twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac. Use the Chinese year chart below to determine the Chinese Zodiac animal for your birth date.
Rat | 1900 | 1912 | 1924 | 1936 | 1948 | 1960 | 1972 | 1984 | 1996 | 2008 |
OX | 1901 | 1913 | 1925 | 1937 | 1949 | 1961 | 1973 | 1985 | 1997 | 2009 |
TIGER | 1902 | 1914 | 1926 | 1938 | 1950 | 1962 | 1974 | 1986 | 1998 | 2010 |
RABBIT | 1903 | 1915 | 1927 | 1939 | 1951 | 1963 | 1975 | 1987 | 1999 | 2011 |
DRAGON | 1904 | 1916 | 1928 | 1940 | 1952 | 1964 | 1976 | 1988 | 2000 | 2012 |
SNAKE | 1905 | 1917 | 1929 | 1941 | 1953 | 1965 | 1977 | 1989 | 2001 | 2013 |
HORSE | 1906 | 1918 | 1930 | 1942 | 1954 | 1966 | 1978 | 1990 | 2002 | 2014 |
SHEEP | 1907 | 1919 | 1931 | 1943 | 1955 | 1967 | 1979 | 1991 | 2003 | 2015 |
MONKEY | 1908 | 1920 | 1932 | 1944 | 1956 | 1968 | 1980 | 1992 | 2004 | 2016 |
ROOSTER | 1909 | 1921 | 1933 | 1945 | 1957 | 1969 | 1981 | 1993 | 2005 | 2017 |
DOG | 1910 | 1922 | 1934 | 1946 | 1958 | 1970 | 1982 | 1994 | 2006 | 2018 |
PIG | 1911 | 1923 | 1935 | 1947 | 1959 | 1970 | 1983 | 1995 | 2007 | 2019 |
Check your compatibility using Chinese Astrology and Horoscope
When you're confused about your compatibility with your special one, try Chinese Astrology and Horoscope compatibility chart. In almost no time you know which signs are best compatible.Check the compatibility wheel below , if you have a matching colour with a particular zodiac sign , both of you are compatible:

Use Chinese Astrology and Horoscope Gender Calendar
Interestingly, one can determine the gender of the child in a mother's womb using, Chinese Astrology and Horoscope. You have a host of online Chinese gender calculators , where he mother to be needs to put in the age on conception and month of conception and in no time determine the gender of her baby. Most of the times the prediction is accurate, except for now and then. Knowing the gender of your child is accepted as long as you do not attempt the heinous crime of female feticide, as children girl or boy is a gift of nature
Feng sui Remedies used in Chinese Astrology
Feng Sui is closely associated with Chinese Astrology and Horoscope. While Chinese Astrology helps make predictions about an individual one can find solutions to their specific problems using Feng Sui recommendations made .Read more about Feng Sui on
https://www.astrosage.com/feng-shui/ .
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