Pushya Nakshatra in 2013
Pushya Nakshatra is the result of favorable alignment of stars. Pushya Nakshatra is considered the best among all the Nakshatras. The word �Pushya� means to nourish. The ruler of Pushya is Saturn (Shani) and its deity is Jupiter, the lord of divine wisdom (guru). Pushya is the eighth constellation in the zodiac. The meaning of Pushya is to preserve, nourish, and strengthen and to bring in good fortune. The Pushya Nakshatra increases the outcome of our good deeds and efforts. The Pushya Nakshatra holds great importance in religion as well as spirituality. Buying gold during Pushya Nakshatra is considered highly auspicious. Moreover, any task can be initiated and the results that one achieves are always favorable and more than expectations. The dates of Pushya Nakshatra are given below in the chart along with their duration.
Date & Month | Day | (Time) From | Till |
26 January | Saturday | 14:44 | 30:47* |
27 January | Sunday | 6:47 | 16:28 |
22 February | Friday | Sunrise | 22:36 |
23 February | Saturday | Sunrise | 24:15 |
22 March | Friday | 7:11 | Sunrise |
23 march | Saturday | Sunrise | 9:4 |
18 April | Thursday | 14:31 | Sunrise |
19 April | Friday | Sunrise | 17:47 |
15 May | Wednesday | 22:52 | Sunrise |
16 May | Thursday | Sunrise | 25:28 |
12 June | Wednesday | 5:12 | Sunrise |
13 June | Thursday | Sunrise | 7:54 |
9 July | Tuesday | 11:3 | Sunrise |
10 July | Wednesday | Sunrise | 13:41 |
5 August | Monday | 17:14 | Sunrise |
6 August | Tuesday | Sunrise | 13:41 |
1 September | Sunday | 24:14 | Sunrise |
2 September | Monday | Sunrise | 26:44 |
26 October | Saturday | 16:25 | Sunrise |
27 October | Sunday | Sunrise | 19:12 |
22 November | Friday | 24:8 | Sunrise |
23 November | Saturday | Sunrise | 27:6 |
20 December | Friday | 7:0 | Sunrise |
21 December | Saturday | Sunrise | 9:59 |
*The time indicated here after 24 Hrs denotes the time before sunrise. For example, if the time indicated is 30:47, it denotes 06:47 am of the next day.
The favorable position or alignment of stars on Pushya Nakshatra results into prosperity and success. It is considered highly auspicious for beginning new ventures or business and for buying jewellery. If the Pushya Nakshatra falls on Thursday or Sunday, it becomes even more promising and is termed as �Pushya Amrit Yoga�. If it falls on Thursday, people call it as Guru Pushya Nakshatra and if its falls on Sunday, it is called as Ravi Pushya Nakshatra. However, the Pushya Nakshatra falls for several times in a year and it is a rare occasion when it falls on Thursday or Sunday. People prefer to start new ventures or buy gold on the Ravi Pushya Nakshatra or Guru Pushya Nakshatra. The day is considered best to make investments in gold. However, there are many other options too available this time, apart from investing in gold.
The Pushya Nakshatra is very promising. It is highly fruitful and any task can be undertaken during the Pushya Nakshatra. It can be said that Pushya Nakshatra guarantees good results for anything that is being undertaken during the time period. It gives luxury and prosperity to the people. Any Pooja can be undertaken during Pushya Nakshatra and the effect is always greater than expectations. Therefore, it can be said that Pushya Nakshatra is the best of all the Nakshatra (constellations).