Health Horoscope 2022: Health and Fitness 2022 Predictions
Health Horoscope 2022 curated by AstroSage sheds light on 2022 Health and Fitness Predictions for all 12 zodiac signs based on the facts of Vedic Astrology. Health is the true wealth is rightly said. It is the most important factor in everyone’s life, be it a kid, toddler, adolescent, adult, or an aged person. We generally connect health to an elderly person as old age brings most of the ailments. However in today’s times where everyone is living under immense pressure, stress, and running around with consumption of adulterated food anyone can fall severely ill at any point in time. Not only the grown-ups but also the newborns are suffering from deficiency of vitamins and chronic diseases. Every planet has the potential to give some or the other ailments to a native be it a small bruise or a chronic disease. It is dependent on the position, placement, and transit of the planets in any particular house.
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Health Horoscope 2022 will provide you with ups and downs you can face in terms of your physical fitness during this year. It will guide you with the weak times and the sections of the body which can be impacted during those times. It will also help you in being vigilant about your health concerns and give you an idea of the time of recovery from the major concerns. As always said precaution is better than cure, therefore by going through the yearly horoscope you will be enlightened about when you need to be extra cautious and when you can afford to be carefree.
To read in English click here - Health Horoscope 2023
All planets provide results as per their nature i.e. fiery planets give diseases like heat strokes, injuries, bruises, diseases related to blood and digestion. The watery planets can give issues related to cough, cold, and flues. The airy planets can give airborne diseases and infections while the earthy planets are potent to give problems that are generally related to pain due to bone break or deformity. All the planets it malefic or benefic are the potential to give issues that can cause health concerns to a native.
Free Health Horoscope 2022 offers predictions about health in the year 2022. You will have details about the conjunction and transits of planets which can bring good times of recovery from health concerns. Also, you will get to know the tough times which can bring reverse times in your recovery. It will also give you an insight into the times where your immunity will be weak and the various types of diseases which can impact you during those times. This will help you in taking good care of yourself and avoid some things which will benefit impact and keep you fit.
Furthermore, you will learn about the times where the specific type of remedial measures will protect you. As health has a direct impact on the food we eat therefore avoiding some kind of food brings favorable results. The health horoscope will also guide you on the kind of food to be taken or avoided during particular times.
हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें: स्वास्थ्य राशिफल 2022
The predictions are based on your moon sign. Know your moon sign: Moon Sign Calculator
Aries Health Horoscope 2022
According to the Health Horoscope 2022 for the Aries zodiac sign, the beginning of the year will be a bit troublesome and you may suffer from toothaches, throat infections, and skin allergies. Due to the placement of Rahu in your second house those who were already suffering from tooth problems may have to go for tooth extractions and transplants as well. Your rising sign lord will be in the eighth house for the first fifteen days of the year which will make you weak in the constitution and your immunity will not be good. You will be prone to pains, cholesterol and high blood pressure issues. You will also be prone to accidents and injuries. During this time you need to be very careful while walking or driving on the streets. The conjunction of Ketu with Mars in the eighth house can bring some sudden ailments and reactions to the surgical equipment and drugs. Try to avoid any kind of self-medication during this period. You should see a good medical practitioner even for minor issues. The transit of Mars to the ninth house by mid-January will be a good relief. However, there will be some ups and downs in terms of concerns pertaining to the mouth, throat, teeth, and general weakness till mid-April. After this Rahu will transit to your first house and Ketu to your seventh house. Your health concerns will reduce to quite an extent during this period. Your immunity will improve and you will be able to recover from your ailments. You may face minor headaches and chest pain during this period. Mars will be in the rising sign in the month of June, this will boost your willpower however you may get heat strokes during this period. You are advised to be careful when going out in direct sunlight, and cover yourself appropriately to avoid any kind of sunburns or strokes. During the end of the year, it will be transiting from the third and second house. This will bring strength and you will take good care of yourself by doing workouts and cautious eating. You will be extra caring and concerned about physical fitness and build up good stamina.
Click Here To Read in Detail - Aries Horoscope 2022
Taurus Health Horoscope 2022
According to the Taurus Health and Fitness Horoscope 2022, at the beginning of the year, Venus will be in the eighth house which will bring some weakness in the body. Also, the women and girls might suffer from some hormonal issues during this period. The conjunction of Mars, Sun and Venus may bring some eye infections and conjunctivitis as well. You need to be extra careful and protective of your eyes during the starting two months of the year. Try to keep them protected with glass, shades and frequently wash them by splashing cold water. Also, this time period can give surgeries and cuts, therefore if any kind of planned surgery should be performed during this period the recovery will be successful. Venus will then move to your ninth house in the month of March which will bring a sigh of relief, especially from the eye troubles. The time period post-April will be better in terms of health as Rahu will move to your twelfth house, which will release loads of pressure from your mind and body. The aspect of Jupiter on your fifth house after April may bring slight digestion and gastric issues. You should avoid oily, starchy and sweet food during this period as these will aggravate the troubles. You should regularly consume lemon and fennel seeds as it will help you in keeping your digestive system on track and reducing the impact of Jupiter. Venus will transit in your sixth house in the month of September, this may aggravate the health concerns of the past. Also, those who are diabetic may face some troubles during these two months of September and October. You are advised to get a regular check-up and keep a check on your blood sugar levels. Also joining a gymnasium or some physical fitness class will be of great help during this time. The end of the year will bring strength and good immunity, you will be able to recover from your illness.
Click Here To Read in Detail - Taurus Health Horoscope 2022
Gemini Health Horoscope 2022
According to the Health Predictions 2022 for Gemini natives based on Vedic Astrology, at the beginning of the year, Mercury will be in the eighth house in conjunction with its lord. This will be a bit troublesome for those who have rheumatism, nerves disorder or leg aches. This conjunction will increase the pains, also it can cause chills and cold. You are advised to cover yourself properly to save yourself from the extreme temperatures else you may fall terribly ill. During the month of March Mercury will transit to the ninth house which will bring some relaxation in cold, cough and flues. In April Saturn will move to the ninth house which will bring recovery from the body aches and will also bring some relaxation in the joint pains and nerves issues as well. Rahu will transit from your eleventh house in the month of April and will aspect your fifth house, this can bring some indigestion issues. Also, in extreme conditions, it can create ulcers in the stomach. You need to be particular about your eating habits during this period since you will be prone to food poisoning and should avoid the consumption of alcohol. Try to keep yourself restricted to simple home food with green leafy vegetables and eat coconut to keep your body cool. The transit of Saturn in the ninth house in the month of April will aspect your house of diseases, this will build up your stamina, will power to fight the diseases. In the month of July, Saturn will transit back to the eighth house and during this time period, there is a possibility of relapse of some diseases of the past. You are advised to get your routine check-up done in order to avoid such a situation. Also, you will feel too lazy and lethargic to take care of yourself during this period. Mercury will transit from the sixth house by the end of the year, this will bring good signs of relief from the diseases and ailments.
Click Here To Read in Detail - Gemini Horoscope 2022
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Cancer Health Horoscope 2022
As per Health 2022 Predictions, at the beginning of the year, there will be a full aspect of Saturn on the rising sign. This will make you lazy and low in energy, you may have frequent chills and pain in your leg, knees and ankles during this period. Also, Jupiter will be transiting from your eighth house during this period, those who are diabetic or obese should take extra care of themselves. There are possibilities of an increase in issues due to these diseases. You should check your sugar levels regularly and avoid the consumption of sweets and starchy food during this period. The influence of Rahu on your fifth house during this time period may also bring some gastric issues and pain in your lower abdomen. Consumption of coconut water will be of great help during this time. The above-discussed concerns will start improving post-April. Saturn will transit from your eighth house in the month of April which may bring some stress and sleep issues. Light meditation and some breathing exercises will help you to deal with these issues during this period. The transit of Jupiter in your ninth house will provide some strength and good health. You will feel more hopeful and do a couple of things to keep yourself fit. You may also become a conscious eater during this period. You will join some interesting workouts like dancing, swimming, or trekking to keep yourself toned. In the month of July, the Sun will transit from your rising sign which can make you aggressive, irritable and anxious. You will also be prone to heat strokes during this period. The second half of the year will be better in terms of your health. You will feel more active and energized. You will also bring some healthy changes in your lifestyle which will help in recovering from an illness of the past.
Click Here To Read in Detail - Cancer Horoscope 2022
Leo Health Horoscope 2022
According to the Yearly Health Horoscope 2022, at the beginning of the year, you may feel a bit low in energy and vitality. You may feel bloated and there may be a rapid increase in your body weight due to the aspect of Jupiter in your rising sign. You have to be very particular about the food you eat as you can turn obese during this period. Besides this, there may not be any other major concerns pertaining to your health. Those who are diabetic or have enlarged liver may face a bit of trouble during this time period. The sixth house lord will transit from your seventh house during the month of April, you may have injuries during this period in the lower part of your body. Those who have arthritis may have a challenging period during this time. There will be pain in the knees, joints and you may also suffer from massive hair fall. You will not be actively involved in any fitness plan and will feel too lazy and lethargic. However, you will need to come out of your cocoon and practice some exercises to keep yourself pain-free during this time. Also, avoid eating stale food as it will lower down your energy levels and make you feel more tired. Your stamina and energy levels will be restored and you will be active in exercises or sports by the month of July since Saturn will be transiting from your sixth house during this period. Your power and fighting spirit will also be restored, also there are possibilities of getting partial recovery from your ailments of the past during this period. During the end of the year, Sun will transit from the fifth house and you will be prone to bile, blisters in the stomach and acidity issues during this period. You are advised to avoid the consumption of hot food and increase liquid intakes to keep yourself healthy during this period.
Click Here To Read in Detail - Leo Horoscope 2022
Virgo Health Horoscope 2022
Health Horoscope 2022 predictions reveal that the beginning of the year will be comfortable in terms of health. The transit of Mercury in the sixth house in the month of March may bring some sensitivity, tremors, or vertigos. If you have a neurological disorder then it may worsen during this period. The transit of Ketu in the second house in the month of April may bring some Ear, Nose, and throat issues. You should practice healing techniques to get cured of these issues. You will also be prone to food poisoning or reaction from drugs, therefore you should avoid any self-medication. Also avoiding concentrated or packed foods, alcohol and chemically treated food will be of great help in improving your health concerns. Rahu’s transit in your eighth house during this period will make you prone to injuries and accidents therefore you should be careful while driving or walking on the streets. The transit of Saturn in your sixth house will boost your stamina, spirit and power to fight any kind of health concern. This will also bring on and on recovery from the major issues till the month of July. You should be a little particular about your eating habits after the month of July, since Saturn will transit from your fifth house which can bring some adverse changes in your eating pattern. Following adverse eating patterns like consumption of stale food or loads of junk food will have a negative impact on your liver and if you eat healthy food then it will bring the gift of good health to you. At the end of the year, Mercury will be in conjunction with the sixth house lord which can bring problems pertaining to your health concerns of the past. There is also a possibility of relapsing diseases during this period. Therefore you are advised not to be casual with your health and get a regular check-up done in order to stay healthy.
Click Here To Read in Detail - Virgo Horoscope 2022
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Libra Health Horoscope 2022
The Health Horoscope 2022 reveals that the beginning of the year will be a little troublesome for your teeth and throat, you may have to go for tooth extraction due to the placement of Mars in your second house in the month of January. In mid of January Mars will move to your third house and this will give relaxation from any kind of surgery or insertions in the mouth. However, your throat will be a bit sensitive during this period due to the placement of Ketu in your second house. You may suffer from acute infections and pain. You are advised to do some deep inhaling exercising and alternative healing practices as this will keep you healthy during this period. In the month of April with the transit of Ketu in your first house, you will feel quite a relief from your neck and throat concerns. During this period the sixth house lord will also transit from its own house, therefore, most of your indigestion issues, acidic burps and gastric issues will also be resolved or you will find a good cure to keep yourself protected from such problems. The transit of Rahu from your seventh house during this time period may bring some pain in your legs off and on, however, if you practice some stretching exercises then you will be able to keep things in your control. You need to be very particular during the month of April as the major transit changes will bring changes in your lifestyle and pattern of living which will directly impact your health. If you adopt healthy practices then you will be able to find a cure for your chronic problems. Otherwise, you may face major setbacks in your digestive tract which will affect your whole body. Venus will transit from the eighth house in the month of October, this can give you some skin-related issues, also it may bring a bit of imbalance in your hormones. These problems will not last for a long period but you are advised to consult a good medical professional to get cured, else it may linger on.
Click Here To Read in Detail - Libra Horoscope 2022
Scorpio Health Horoscope 2022
As per the 2022 Health Yearly Horoscope, the beginning of the year may bring some issues related to hypertension, Blood Pressure, Severe headaches and migraines. The rising sign lord will be in conjunction with Ketu during this period. Things will slightly improve post mid of January when Mars will transit to the second house. However, you will feel low in energy and may suffer from backache and body aches during the first quarter of the year. You will find diagnosis and recovery by April end and these issues will start resolving due to the transit of Ketu in your twelfth house. You need to take care of your eyes as you may face some minor troubles like flu or allergies in your eye in the month of January due to the conjunction of Sun and Venus in your second house. You may face acute eye troubles post-April when Ketu will transit from Libra. Some of you may also start wearing spectacles due to weak sight. You are advised to take precautionary measures to keep your eyes protected by washing them with good water, covering them from sunlight and practicing relaxing exercises. The aspect of Saturn in the month of May on the rising sign will make you a bit lazy and you will start ignoring your health. You are advised not to be too casual since there are bright possibilities of relapse of any old ailment during this period. You should take care of yourself and go for regular checkups from May till July end. You will be strong in stamina and strength post-July due to the transit of Saturn from your third house. Your willpower will also be good which will help you in fighting form any disease. Your health concerns will start subsiding from the mid of the year and the last quarter of the year will be good in terms of your health. However, you will need to be cautious and follow a good lifestyle and healthy eating habits especially during the first half of the year.
Click Here To Read in Detail - Scorpio Horoscope 2022
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Sagittarius Health Horoscope 2022
According to the Health Horoscope 2022, at the beginning of the year, you will be prone to cuts, injuries and surgery due to the transit of Venus from your first house. The probability of these injuries is on your head, forehead or face. You are advised to be attentive while walking so as not to bang your head anywhere, also be careful while driving a car or riding a motorbike till February end. Mars will transit from your fourth house in the month of May, due to which you may face some burning sensation in your chest, your blood sugar levels may increase. Those who have a problem of high blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes need to take good care of themselves. The conjunction of Mars and Jupiter since you will be prone to cardiac arrest during this period will make you prone to heart attacks and severe chest pain in the chest. The time period from June till the end of October will be good. If you have been struggling hard to find the cure to some of your problems, you will find an effective medicine that will bring recovery or a professional medical practitioner who will be able to give a good diagnosis, which will lead to the right treatment. If any surgery is due then you should plan during the first two months or in the month of December as the success rate will be good during these periods. Besides these, you will be prone to obesity during this year, therefore, try to keep a regular check on your weight and eat healthy food which is less on oil, fat and starches. You will have to bring some lifestyle changes to keep yourself in shape by adopting habits like early to bed and early to rise. Also, some power yoga and aggressive exercise will help you in maintaining weight.
Click Here To Read in Detail - Sagittarius Horoscope 2022
Capricorn Health Horoscope 2022
According to the Horoscope 2022 predictions, the beginning of the year can prove to be good for your health with minor health issues popping up every now and then and may bring recovery from the past ailments or diseases since Saturn will be transiting from its own house. This will also build up your stamina to fight or recover from chronic illness especially pertaining to pain in the joints or frequent body aches. You will be disciplined and will take all the required measures to keep yourself fit be it with the diet, exercise or putting yourself under time regulations for meals intake. You will be tough with yourself but the end result will be good. This slow recovery process will last till April after which you may face minor issues due to the transit of Saturn in the second house. The beginning of the year may bring some toothaches and pain in the feet as well but with your good care, you will be able to fight from all sorts of pain. You need to be careful if you have cholesterol, blood pressure and blockages since the transit of exalting Sun in your fourth house will increase the said issues and you will be prone to severe heart issues. You should get a routine check-up and do aggressive exercise or jogging to improve your blood flow. The transit of Rahu post-April may bring some issues pertaining to allergy on your body and you will also be prone to food poisoning during this period. You are advised not to take any self-medication for anything and consult a good medical practitioner even for minor issues. Also, be observant while eating as some of the routine food might also react negatively in your body. The time period post-July will be better as it will bring back the vitality and stamina in you. Also, you will be able to deal with any kind of trouble in a better way. The third quarter of the year will be a recovery period and the last quarter will be good in terms of health.
Click Here To Read in Detail - Capricorn Horoscope 2022
Aquarius Health Horoscope 2022
Academic Predictions 2022 in accordance with the Vedic Astrology suggests that during the beginning of the year you will be prone to allergic colds, cases of flu and chest infection since Rahu will be transiting from your fourth house during this period. You may also find it difficult to get the correct diagnosis or treatment during this period. Also, you will be prone to obesity due to the transiting Jupiter from your rising sign. You are advised to avoid sweets, oily and starchy food to keep yourself fit. The placement of the rising sign lord in the twelfth house of loss will make you ill off and on till the month of April. Also, you will be prone to cones in your feet which can lead to minor insertions. The time period from April end will be better and you will get strength and vitality to recover from your ailments. The transit of Saturn in your rising sign will make you organized and you will try to make a good regime for yourself in order to keep yourself fit. The transit of Rahu from your third house during this period will build up good willpower and fighting spirit to heal from all the physical problems. Also, you will join some fitness programs like cult, gym or dance to burn out calories and build your body strong. The time period of July may bring some problems pertaining to swelling in your feet, joint pains and seasonal flues. You should regularly practice meditation and alternative healing techniques, as this will help you in recovery. Also, you should consider switching on Ayurveda and organic food if you're suffering from prolonged illness as this will be a great boon for your body. At the end of the year, the sixth house lord will be in conjunction with Saturn which may bring stress and nervous issues. You have to be cautious about your sleeping habits during this period as lack of sleep or being insomniac will create more problems.
Click Here To Read in Detail - Aquarius Horoscope 2022
Pisces Health Horoscope 2022
As per the Health Horoscope of 2022, the beginning of the year will bring some sleeping disorders and issues in your intimate comfort due to the placement of Jupiter in your twelfth house. You have some small injuries or issues due to which, you have to visit a hospital or doctor’s clinic off and on. Things will start improving from the month of April when the rising sign lord will transit in its own zodiac sign. Your digestive system will be sensitive during this year, especially during the first four months and the last four months of the year. You are advised to strictly avoid stale food or too many combinations of food in one meal as this will make you too sick. The aspect of Saturn on your fifth house will make your digestive system slow during this period. Therefore eating small portions of food at regular intervals or traditional methods of intermittent fasting will be of great help during these times. The transit of the sixth house lord the Sun in the month of June in your fifth house will increase the heat level in your stomach. This can be some acidity and gastric issues. You should increase your water intake and stick to green veggies to keep yourself healthy. The month of October may cause some trouble in your eyes. Some of you may have to start wearing glasses for better vision and some of you may have to undergo cataract surgery during this period. The Sun will be in transit from your eighth house in conjunction with its house lord which can bring some sudden ailment or surgery as well. This year will not bring major issues but you will be prone to weight gain and your stomach and liver will be a bit weak. If you take control of your weight then you will be able to check and control your health. Besides this, observing fast already one or twice a month will be of great help in keeping yourself fit during the upcoming year.
Click Here To Read in Detail - Pisces Horoscope 2022
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We hope that the year 2022 is promising and prosperous for you. Happy New Year from AstroSage!