Upanayana Muhurat 2024

Today, the special AstroSage article will provide important details about Janeu/Upanayana/Yagnopavit Sanskar Muhurat. Also, we’ll know in detail related to Upanayana Muhurat 2024. In Sanatan Dharma, there is special importance on Janeu Sanskar or Upanayana Sanskar because the child’s Janeu Sanskar is regarded among the 16 rituals of Hinduism. Also, many people perform the rituals today at the time of getting married. 

View Upanayana Muhurat 2024 and Know the Auspicious Time to Wear Janeu!

हिंदी में पढ़ें: उपनयन मुहूर्त 2024

To Know More About Auspicious Muhurat, Talk To The Best Astrologers

Before moving ahead with the article, let us be clear that AstroSage’s Upanayana Muhurat 2024 is a public Muhurat. If you desire the correct details on the auspicious time of muhurat from your date of birth, then get correct answers to these questions by contacting the learned astrologers over call or chat. 

To know about Upanayana Muhurat 2025, please visit: Upanayana Muhurat 2025

Upanayana Muhurat 2024 – Calculation

Like any other calculation of the auspicious timeline, it is vital to have a Panchang for the calculation of Upanayana Muhurat 2024, because the learned astrologers use the Panchang to look at Tithi, Vaar, Nakshatra, and Lagna. The selection of Upanayana Muhurat is done through all these aspects.

Nakshatra: For Upanayana Muhurat 2024, Ashwini Nakshatra, Hasta Nakshatra, Pushya Nakshatra, Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra, Uttarashada Nakshatra, Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra, Rohini Nakshatra, Ashlesha Nakshatra, Punarvasu Nakshatra, Swati Nakshatra, Shravan Nakshatra, Dhanishta Nakshatra, Shatabhisha Nakshatra, Mool Nakshatra, Chitra Nakshatra, Mrigashira Nakshatra, Anuradha Nakshatra, Purva Phalguni Nakshatra, Purvashada Nakshatra, Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, Revati Nakshatra, and more are considered auspicious. 

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Tithi: For Upanayana Muhurat 2024, Shukla Paksha’s Dwitiya Tithi, Tritiya, Panchami, Dashami, Ekadashi, and Dwadashi are considered auspicious. Apart from it, Krishna Paksha’s Dwitiya, Tritiya, and Panchami Tithi are regarded as auspicious times. 

Vaar: For Upanayana Muhurat 2024, Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are considered very auspicious. 

Lagna: From Lagna, the position of auspicious planets in the sixth, eighth, or twelfth house or the placement of auspicious planets in these places – 3, 6, 11. Also, the position of the full moon in Taurus or Cancer in the Lagna is considered auspicious. 

Months: Chaitra, Vaishakh, Ashadh (from Devshayani Ekadashi till Purbakal) Magh, and Phalgun are considered auspicious for Janeu Sanskar. 

Things to Know: The Brahmin’s sacred thread needs to be acquired in the fifth (5th) or eighth (8th) year from birth or conception. For Kshatriya, the scared thread needs to be taken in the sixth (6th) or eleventh (11th) year and for a Vaishya, the sacred thread in the eighth (8th) or twelfth (12th) year is considered auspicious. 

When not to do the Janeu? Upanayana should be avoided on Saturdays in the week, at night, the period preceding afternoon, early morning, evening, during thunderstorms, and more. After it, Bhadra and if any detects are going on in the horoscope, then Upanayana Muhurat 2024 should be avoided. 

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Upanayana Muhurat 2024

January (Paush-Magh) 2024

Shubh Yajyopaveet Dates

Yajyopaveet Muhurat

21/01/2024 (Sunday)

19:27 – 27:52

26/01/2024 (Friday)

25:20 – 31:12

31/01/2024 (Wednesday)

07:10 – 11:36

February (Magh-Phalgun) 2024

Shubh Yagyopaveet Dates

Yagyopaveet Muhurat

11/02/2024 (Sunday)

17:39 – 31:03

12/02/2024 (Monday)

07:03 – 14:56

14/02/2024 (Wednesday)

11:31 – 12:10

18/02/2024 (Sunday)

22:24 – 30:57

19/02/2024 (Monday)

06:57 – 21:20

25/02/2024 (Sunday)

20:36 – 25:24

26/02/2024 (Monday)

28:31 – 30:49

28/02/2024 (Wednesday)

28:19 – 30:47

29/02/2024 (Thursday)

06:47 – 10:22

March (Phalgun-Chaitra) 2024

Shubh Yagyopaveet Dates

Yagyopaveet Muhurat

27/03/2024 (Wednesday)

09:36 – 16:15

29/03/2024 (Friday)

20:36 – 27:01

Shani Report: Know Everything About Shani’s Mahadasha, Sade Sati, etc.

April (Chaitra-Vaishakh) 2024

Shubh Yagyopaveet Dates

Yagyopaveet Muhurat

12/04/2024 (Friday)

13:12 – 29:58

17/04/2024 (Wednesday)

15:14 – 29:53

18/04/2024 (Thursday)

05:53 – 07:09

25/04/2024 (Thursday)

28:53 – 29:45

May (Vaisakh-Jyestha) 2024

Shubh Yagyopaveet Dates

Yagyopaveet Muhurat

9 May 2024

12:56 – 17:30

10 May 2024

06:22 – 08:17


10:32 – 17:26

12 May 2024

06:14 – 10:24


12:44 – 19:38

17 May 2024

10:04 – 14:42


16:58 – 19:18

18 May 2024

06:00 – 07:46


10:01 – 16:54

19 May 2024

14:34 – 16:51

20 May 2024

09:53 – 16:47

24 May 2024

07:22 – 11:57

25 May 2024

11:53 – 14:11


16:27 – 18:46

June (Jyestha-Shravan) 2024

Shubh Yagyopaveet Dates

Yagyopaveet Muhurat

8 June 2024

06:23 – 08:38


10:58 – 17:51

9 June 2024

06:19 – 08:34


10:54 – 17:48

10 June 2024

17:44 – 20:02

16 June 2024

08:07 – 15:00


17:20 – 19:39

17 June 2024

05:54 – 08:03


10:23 – 17:16

22 June 2024

07:43 – 12:21


14:37 – 18:24

23 June 2024

07:39 – 12:17


14:33 – 19:11

26 June 2024

09:48 – 16:41

July (Shravan-Bhadrapada) 2024

Shubh Yagyopaveet Dates

Yagyopaveet Muhurat

7 July 2024

06:44 – 09:04


11:22 – 18:16

8 July 2024

06:40 – 09:00


11:18 – 18:12

10 July 2024

13:26 – 18:04

11 July 2024

06:28 – 11:06

17 July 2024

07:33 – 08:25

21 July 2024

17:21 – 19:25

22 July 2024

06:08 – 12:39


14:58 – 18:27

25 July 2024

07:54 – 17:05

August (Bhadrapada-Ashwin) 2024

Shubh Yagyopaveet Dates

Yagyopaveet Muhurat

7 August 2024

07:02 – 09:20


11:36 – 18:18

9 August 2024

06:55 – 11:28


13:48 – 18:10

14 August 2024

11:09 – 13:28

15 August 2024

13:24 – 17:47

16 August 2024

11:01 – 17:43

17 August 2024

06:23 – 08:40

21 August 2024

07:19 – 13:00


15:19 – 19:05

23 August 2024

12:53 – 15:11


17:15 – 18:57

24 August 2024

06:38 – 08:13

Also Read: Today Lucky Colour!

September (Ashwin-Kartik) 2024

Shubh Yagyopaveet Dates

Yagyopaveet Muhurat

4 September 2024

12:05 – 18:10

5 September 2024

07:26 – 09:42


12:02 – 18:06

6 September 2024

07:22 – 09:38


11:58 – 16:20

8 September 2024

07:20 – 11:50


14:08 – 16:12

13 September 2024

09:11 – 15:53


17:35 – 19:02

14 September 2024

07:15 – 09:07

15 September 2024

06:46 – 09:03


11:22 – 17:27

October (Kartik-Margashirsha) 2024

Shubh Yagyopaveet Dates

Yagyopaveet Muhurat

4 October 2024

06:47 – 10:08


12:26 – 17:40

7 October 2024

14:18 – 18:53

12 October 2024

11:55 – 15:41


17:08 – 18:33

13 October 2024

09:32 – 15:37

14 October 2024

07:11 – 09:28


11:47 – 17:00

18 October 2024

06:55 – 13:35

21 October 2024

09:01 – 15:05


16:33 – 18:44

November (Margashirsha-Paush) 2024

Shubh Yagyopaveet Dates

Yagyopaveet Muhurat

3 November 2024

07:06 – 10:28


12:32 – 17:07

4 November 2024

07:07 – 10:24

6 November 2024

07:08 – 12:20


14:03 – 18:30

11 November 2024

09:57 – 15:10


16:35 – 18:11

13 November 2024

07:30 – 09:49


11:53 – 13:35

17 November 2024

07:17 – 13:19


14:47 – 19:42

20 November 2024

11:25 – 16:00

December (Paush-Magha) 2024

Shubh Yagyopaveet Dates

Yagyopaveet Muhurat

4 December 2024

07:30 – 10:30


12:12 – 15:05

5 December 2024

13:36 – 18:32

6 December 2024

07:32 – 12:05

11 December 2024

07:35 – 07:59


10:03 – 16:13

12 December 2024

07:36 – 09:59

15 December 2024

15:57 – 20:07

16 December 2024

07:39 – 12:53


14:18 – 20:03

19 December 2024

11:14 – 14:06


15:41 – 19:03

Upanayana Sanskar: Meaning and Importance 

In Sanatan Dharma, Janeu Sanskar is one of the 16 prescribed rituals. It is considered to be the tenth sacrament in the Hindu religion. In the ceremony, the boys are made to wear the sacred thread known as Janeu. It is worn by Brahmins, Kshatriyas, and boys of other castes. The word Upanayana is made up of two words - ‘up’ means near and ‘nayan’ refers to vision. The literal meaning of Upanayana is to keep individuals away from darkness and move towards light. It is regarded as one of the popular and sacred rituals in the religion. 

The article provides accurate information related to Upanayana Muhurat 2024. It is usually performed in the Hindu religion at the time of the wedding for the groom. The ceremony is known as Yagyopavit. 

The belief is that with the help of Janeu Sanskar, the child rises from childhood to youth. For the progress of the boy in life, the qualified pundits tie the sacred thread (known as a Janeu) above the left shoulder of the boy and below the right arm. It is prepared by three threads that represent Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh. Apart from it, these threads represent Dev Rin, Pita Rin, and Rishi Rin. Also, people believe that the threads represent Sattva, Raah, and Tama. Other than that, it is also regarded as the symbol of the three steps of the Gayatri Mantra. 

The popular belief in the Hindu religion is that the three threads represent three ideals. The first thread of Janeu symbolizes a commitment to the spiritual path, the second one represents parents & their upbringing method, and the third one represents spiritual teachers. A person should never forget the ideals that represent the three threads. In the Hindu religion, Janeu is not just a simple thread but a sacred and spiritual thread. 

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Janeu’s Religious & Scientific Importance and Health Benefits 

As per the Upanayana Muhurat 2024 and in the Hindu religion, Janeu is considered part of its identity. Wearing the sacred thread and following the correct rules is a crucial duty of Hindu boys. The child acquires the right to perform Yagya and self-study only after wearing the Janeu. 

Discussing scientific importance, it is believed that, 

  • After wearing the Janeu, individuals do not experience bad dreams. 
  • As the Janeu passes near the heart, the chances of heart disease also get reduced. 
  • The person wearing the sacred thread gets bound by cleanliness rules in life. It protects the individual from dental, stomach, and bacterial diseases. 
  • By wearing the Janeu on the right ear, the specific nerve of the ear gets pressed by which a sleepy part of the brain starts functioning. 
  • The wearing of sacred thread on the ear leads to the awakening of Sun Pulse. 
  • Apart from it, doing it also prevents stomach-related diseases and blood pressure troubles. It also controls anger levels. 
  • Wearing Janeu results in a person feeling pure and no bad thoughts or deeds come into the person’s mind. 
  • The sacred thread provides protection against constipation, acidity, stomach diseases, blood pressure, heart troubles, and different types of infections. 

Some Interesting Facts Related to Janeu 

9 Strings of Janeu: Each Janeu chord has 3 strings and in such a scenario, the total number of stars becomes 9. 

Five Knots of Janeu: There is the presence of five knots in the Janeu. The 5 knots prepared in the Janeu represent Brahma, Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha. 

Janeu’s Length: The total length of Janeu is 96 fingers. In such a situation, the wearer of the sacred thread is urged to learn 64 Art Forms and 32 Vidhyas. These Vidhyas are developed with a mix of Vedas, four Upavedas, six Angas, six Darshanas, three Sutragranths, and nine Aranyakas. 

At the time of wearing the Janeu, the child only holds onto the stick. He wears one cloth and it should be prepared without stitches. Usually, the dhoti is worn at the time of the ceremony, along with yellow-colored gamchha around the neck. It is mandatory to wear the pieces at the time of the ceremony. On the occasion, the child and the family members are also participating in the Yagya. 

The Ritual Starts With Gayatri Mantra

Yagyopaveet Sanskar starts with the Gayatri Mantra. 

There are three stages in Gayatri. 

‘Tatsaviturvarenyam’ first phase,

‘Bhargodevasya Dhimahi’ second phase, 

‘Dhiyo yonah: prachodayat’ – third phase. 

Mantras for Janeu Sanskar:

Yagyopavitan Paraman Pavitran Pragyapateriyatsahajan Purstat|

Ayudhagran Pratimuncha Shubjram Yagyopaveet Balamastu Tej: ||

Correct Method of Janeu Sanskar 

If the Sanskar is performed the correct way, then the child gets auspicious results from it. So, let's know about the correct methods of the Janeu ritual:

  • Usually, the Janeu ceremony is performed at an early age of the child. The child is shaved first in such a situation, before starting the sacred thread ceremony. 
  • The child baths after it and then sandalwood paste is applied on the entire body, from head to toe. 
  • Then the rituals start with Lord Ganesha's puja. 
  • The Gayatri Mantri is recited 10,000 times to remember the deities. After it, the child takes the vow of following the teaching of the scriptures correctly. 
  • Next, the child along with same-age boys is fed churma and then bathed again. 
  • After that, the Pandit, father, or any elder member of the family recites the Gayatri Mantra in front of the child and tells him, ‘From today you are a Brahmin’.
  • The child is then given a stick and people around them beg from him. 
  • In the name of custom, the child is running away from home as he has to visit Kashi for studies. It is believed that after some time people go back and bring the individual back in the name of marriage. 

Rules of Janeu Sanskar

Now, let us discuss the rules to be followed in the worship of Janeu Sanskar. 

  • On the Janeu ceremony day, Yagya must be organized correctly. 
  • The child then sits with the family members in the Yagya. 
  • The boy is then dressed with unstitched clothes or dhoti and also a stick is given to the child. Also, wear a yellow cloth around the neck and Khadau is vital to wear on the feet. 
  • At the time of Mundan, only one braid should be left. 
  • Janeu should be yellow in color. 
  • As per the opinion of different people, the age of Janeu Sanskar for Brahmins is 8 years, for Chattriya it's 11 years and 12 years for Vaishya. 

If you want to know about the Janeu wearing procedure and Upanayana Muhurat 2024, then it is advised to consult with a learned & knowledgeable Pundit for enquiring about accurate Muhurat. 

Yagyopaveet – Benefits of Wearing Janeu

Know about the benefits of wearing Janeu or performing Yagyopavitam as per Hindu religious belief with accurate information about it. 

  • Wearing Gayatri Mantri is helpful in protecting against vibrations and also provides positive energy in the person’s life. 
  • The sacred thread also provides strength and stability in the child’s life. 
  • These kids are intelligent and also read the Vedas & Puranas. 
  • The Upanayana Muhurat is also protecting the boys against bad and negative energies. 

Follow the Rules Absolutely Related to Janeu

  • As per the Upanayana Muhurat 2024, Janeu should be put on the right ear at the time of urination and should be removed from the ear only after washing the hands. 
  • The sacred thread needs to be replaced if any of the threads break. 
  • Once the Janeu is worn, it should be removed only at the time of wearing the new Yagyopaveet. 

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We Hope That the Year 2024 is Auspicious for You. AstroSage Wishes You a Happy and Prosperous New Year! 

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