Aamir Khan 2015 Horoscope
Aamir Khan's Love Matters horoscope
Love comes early in Aamir Khan's life and when it comes, it strikes a very ardent note. But big flames die out quickly and Aamir Khan is out of love many times before the final choice is made. Probably, the wedding will not be an early one, nevertheless, it will be a happy one.
Aamir Khan's Health horoscope
Aamir Khan is well favoured as far as Aamir Khan's constitutions are concerned. But, Aamir Khan is liable to suffer from nervous disorders and indigestion. The first is the direct outcome of Aamir Khan's highly sensitive nature. Aamir Khan become exhausted more quickly than the average person and the life Aamir Khan enjoy does not help in the matter. Digestive troubles result from self-indulgence. Too much is eaten. What is eaten is too rich and, very often, it is eaten too late in the day. There is a tendency to corpulence in later life.
Aamir Khan's Hobbies horoscope
Outdoor pursuits engage much of Aamir Khan's leisure time and Aamir Khan find them exceedingly beneficial. The fear is that Aamir Khan may overdo them and harm Aamir Khan's constitution. Aamir Khan love movement in the open. Thus, if horse-riding does not attract Aamir Khan it is certain that Aamir Khan enjoy the pleasures of fast motoring or perhaps, a long journey in a train, as well as a pleasure trip. Aamir Khan take a keen interest in educating yourself, using books or educational visits for the purpose. More than likely Aamir Khan gain far more satisfaction than knowledge from the effort.