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Health Horoscope 2012

Astrology and Health Predictions 2012 (Vedic horoscope/ moon sign based)

Moving into a new year 2012, it’s time we recall the words of Mahatma: ‘It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver’. However, health is a dynamic process because it is always changing. We all have times of good health, times of sickness, and maybe even times of serious illness. As our lifestyles change, so does our level of health. Health Horoscope 2012 aims at keeping you informed about the highs and lows in your health for the year 2012.

We hope to see you strive toward an optimal state of well-being having gone through Health Horoscope 2012. Working out minor changes in your lifestyle will go a long way in improving your health and soon you will experience less disease and sickness.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer
Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio
Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Health Horoscope 2012 for Aries

During the month from January to March, a little mouth related issues like appearance of pimples or boils in face will make you worry. Avoid oily and spicy food as much as you can.

In the month of April to June, you will possibly face some stomach related problems like gastric problem. But no issues, everyday 10-minute yoga or workout in early morning will keep you unwind.

Health will not be an issue during the month of July to September but there are chances of minor accident due to the ill placement of Mars and Saturn. Relax, there is not too much to worry about that, you will recover soon, as it will be a minor one. Avoid rash driving and impulsive thinking while on the way. Follow, the no hurry and no worry policy.

The last quarter of the year 2012 (October to December) will be comparatively healthier and fit than the past months. Bad health of your dear ones might disturb you. Headaches will be one problem you will be complaining about during this time that too because of over strain. You can face the problem of blood pressure.

Health Horoscope 2012 for Taurus

You will be fit and fine during the month from January to March. But somewhere the placement of Ketu will probably create minor problems.

Some minor seasonal sickness and infections will irritate you in the month from April to June.There is nothing much to worry about, you will be healed quickly, as the problems are temporary and will not last long. The month of June of the year 2012 will bring some problem like headache and acidity so avoid much of spicy food. As you are very careless about your eating habits this summer will be little disturbing for your stomach, heat may disturb the functioning of your stomach due to which you will have to face problems.

Health will remain good throughout the month from July to October. But, you need to take care of your child's health if you are a parent. your child can face some blood related infection. For that, you need to consult with your family doctor in advance so that you can take proper medication on time.

From October to December, the first half of this quarter will not disturb you much except the fact that you might get exhausted due to over work. It is natural that result of extra work is physical and mental strain. In the second half of the quarter, you will complain about stomach or gastrointestinal infection.

Health Horoscope 2012 for Gemini

The first quarter of the year 2012, you will be healthy and fit. There are minor chances of getting infection of private parts hence cleanliness is advised as prevention is better than cure. Take care to avoid any serious trouble.

During the period of April to June, you will be again healthy. Since Mercury is in debilitated sign, you can feel a little lethargic.

The month of July to the mid-August, you can feel mental disturbance and will seek peace. Yoga for 10 minutes every morning will helps you to achieve the same. This is nothing serious just the outcome of over stress or work load.You will feel recovered to a great extent.

As Gemini's have weak throat and chest hence the change of season in the last quarter of the year 201 may lead to some seasonal allergy. This is applicable only to those who have weak mercury by birth. Conjugation of mars with Rahu will aggravate the problems related to throat. This will continue till the end of the year. Save yourself from cold breeze and water. Take proper medication to avoid severity of the infection.

Health Horoscope 2012 for Cancer

From January to mid-February, you can complain on heart pain and heart related problems. You will feel weak and lethargic. Due to the placement of Venus you will lose your vitality through unhealthy practice.

April to June, you will feel improvement in your health. You will get relieved from the problems you have been facing in the past months. You are extremely sensitive by nature hence even a small conundrum you make it a big in your mind which upset your health. You should understand that healthy mind leads to healthy body.

You have to be very caring towards your heart and the best way to do this is to not to be very sensitive towards issues that are not concerned. You also have the chance of colic pain in the month of July to September.

Due to shifting of Mars towards the 5th house and joining Rahu will not let go your colic pain, you will suffer the same for few more days in the month of October as well. Take the problems seriously and consult doctor for some quick relief. Yoga or breathing exercise can help you to overcome such difficulties. Oily and spicy food should also be avoided.

Health Horoscope 2012 for Leo

Seemingly, the commencing of the year 2012 is not very healthy for people fall under this zodiac sign, but you will recover in the latter of the January. Your indulgence in spicy food will start taking toll; despite of the cold weather your stomach has lot of heat due to which you can have the complaint of piles and boils. Later you will recover well. You are not following a much organized daily routine. You should take sound sleep of minimum 6 hours to avoid ill health.

You are worried unnecessarily over some issues or the other and this is the reason of your ill health during the first half of the second quarter of the year 2012.

You must understand that healthy mind leads to healthy body.Chances of food poisoning is also there. Avoiding rancid food in hotel or restaurant would be a healthy idea.

The span of July to September is a healthy period for you except you could face some minor eye infection or toothache.

Health Horoscope 2012 for Virgo

In the first quarter of the year 2012, you are advised to take care of your health. As the placement of the Planet Saturn is in your second house and you are still under the effect of Saade Saati. There is nothing much health problem but possibly you can face some heart related trouble.This period can become a little problematic for heart-patients.

Towards the second quarter of the year, you need to continue taking care of your health and fitness, which will help you to perform better in your profession as well.

Seemingly, in the span of July to September month, you can face danger from fire; fireplace. Also you need to neglect negative people who can harm you. Altogether, your health needs little more concern that any other factor. You know very well that nothing can be better if health is not good.

Finally, you will be relieved of every ailment towards the end of the year. The shifting of Mars to third house will give strength and courage to face challenges. You will overcome all health and fitness trouble with your inner strength and fight back to success.

Health Horoscope 2012 for Libra

You will be worried about your personal life hence your health will be disturbed in the first quarter of the year. There are chances of getting problems related to your stomach like gastric or kidney problem. It is scientifically proven that the mental worry has direct effect on your stomach and digestion. Also, it is believed that if the thoughts are choked it may lead to the formation of stone in the kidney. So, you are advised to keep away the mental worries and tensions and practice minimum of 10 minutes of Yoga for sound health and fitness.

From the month of April to June, your visit to top hospitals and nursing homes will be grow up. Over indulgence in unhealthy practice will start showing its ill effects towards the end of June. There are also chances of nervous breakdown due to worries.

You won't get relieved with the health issues even in the last quarter of the year. You are advised to keep yourself away from falling into love relation with opposite sex as the planetary situations may put you in some unhealthy practice that can put you physical and mental trouble.

Health Horoscope 2012 for Scorpio

The first quarter of the year 2012 will be easy and smooth although you will face some regular stomach related problem. Over indulgence on work should be avoided.You will suffer dyspeptic in the second half of the month of March.

You will complain some diseases in the stomach during the month of April. The Tridoshas will get imbalanced due to the placement of the Jupiter in the sixth house. You will face more of Kaph (phelgm) and little of vatha (wind). Fever, ear disease, sorrow and fainting can come into your body.

In the month of July, you will have chances of the danger of loss of virility due to disease. Scorpion females have chances to get infections related to abdomen or uterus in the month of august or September.

In the period of the last quarter of the year, you may unsatisfied with your health. Some cut or burns on your face or head can bother you so beware if you are using chemicals or working with some fire or acids.

Health Horoscope 2012 for Sagittarius

Sagittarius governs the thighs, hips and arterial system. The ill effects on these parts of the body signify that the sign is afflicted. Sagittarius also controls the vitality of the person. The arterial system of the body can be affected during this period. So, don't ignore if you are having even a slightest heart problem, just be little more cautious till the month of January to march and take proper medication.

As the march begins, those falls under the umbrella of this zodiac should continue taking precautions.Possibly, some serious disease or infection can come in contact with you. It could be related to your private part, which is indeed alarming. And as you can feel humid and hot.

During the month of July to August, you will feel physically dull and inactive and feverish.

Too much of indulgence can be harmful for your body and mind. You need to give at least ten minutes to breathing exercises or Yoga to keep you fresh and energetic. You will also not be completely fit in the last quarter of the year 2012. Have patience and don't do excess intake of medicines. Let the time pass and the rest of the things will be all right automatically.

Health Horoscope 2012 for Capricorn

You will enjoy your fit and good health in the first quarter. but possibly you can face heart and chest related troubles. Take necessary precautions to avoid heart problems and just be regular with your medicine.

During the month of April to June, seasonal fever, skin related problem or allergies, and joint pain may disturb you. Capricorn governs knees, epidermis and joints. The month of July will be sensitive, as you can face the problems related to these parts. You may not enjoy a good health in third quarter of the year. Regular yoga practice enhances the flow of oxygen in the body. You also need to control your cholesterol.

You will be overload with work hence you will make a mess of your eating habits. The mental worries will also upset your digestion near October. Although, there is nothing much to worry but still you need more strength and stamina to work more which is possible only through balanced and regular diet.

Health Horoscope 2012 for Aquarius

January, February and March of the year 2012 for you indicate that you will remain healthy and fit in general. Those who are already affected with some lungs related problems are advised to be very cautious. The health will be perfect in this period on the whole. You are advised to avoid liquor or any other narcotics.

In the month of April,you may have chances to face some bronchus problem. Aquarius females might face some menstrual problems due to the placement of Mars towards May.

In the the beginning of the month September, you can suffer from anxiety. It could be mental stress or nervous breakdown or a migraine pain. You will feel lethargic and inactive till the month of October. Also there are chances of breathing trouble.

But from the last quarter of the year , you will start recovering from your health issues.

Health Horoscope 2012 for Pisces

As Piscean is a water sign, you need to control an excessive liquor intake. Your over indulgence in eating may disturb your health in first three months of the year 2012. You can be affected by skin diseases during this period. The health related trouble may occur during this time but don't worry you will recover that on time. You may suffer from boils and piles and can feel a little unhealthy. You will remain impatient and irritated. Gastric troubles may affect your stomach towards the month of April. Avoid spicy food to control the heat of the body. The main thing that is dangerous for you is your anger.

You will be troubled during the month of august due to impurities in the blood. You are likely to catch regular fever. A blood test is important if you have fever. Also, there is a chance of development of lump in the private parts. You have more of phelgm and less of wind since the ruler of this sign is Jupiter. Just control this with suitable medicine to keep yourself healthy and fit.

The last quarter of the year 2012 is not very fortunate in context with health and fitness. Loss of health due to diseases like typhoid and over indulgence in sexual activities can bother you. But no need to take tensions, just fully take care your health.


Horoscope 2012

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