Jupiter in Pisces
Know result of planet Jupiter in Pisces Zodiac Sign (Jupiter sign Pisces) as per Vedic Astrology
Jupiter in Pisces according to Saravali: If Jupiter is in Pisces at birth, one will be expert in knowing the meanings of Vedas and other Shastras, will be honoured by friends and virtuous people, will be a headsman in the king`s employ, be praiseworthy, unconquerable, rich, devoid of fear, be proud, firm in undertakings, be a king, be skillful in policies, training, behavior and war tactics, be famous and will be calm in his doings.
Jupiter in various houses according to Vedic Astrology
Jupiter in various zodiac signs according to Vedic Astrology
Jupiter in various houses according to Lal Kitab
Remedies for Jupiter
Planets in Astrology
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