Mars in Second House House as per Vedic Astrology
Know result of planet Mars in 2nd House
Mars in 2nd House according to Saravali: If Mars occupies the 2nd, the native will be poor, will eat bad food, will possess an ugly face, will join bad men and be bereft of learning.
Mars in 2nd House according to Phala Deepika: When Mars is posited in the 2nd house at birth, the native will not be good looking and will not be clever in speaking. He will have tearing and will be devoid of wealth. He will be serving low people.
Mars in various houses according to Vedic Astrology
Mars in various zodiac signs according to Vedic Astrology
Mars in Aries | Mars in Taurus | Mars in Gemini | Mars in Cancer |
Mars in Leo | Mars in Virgo | Mars in Libra | Mars in Scorpio |
Mars in Sagittarius | Mars in Capricorn | Mars in Aquarius | Mars in Pisces |
Mars in various houses according to Lal Kitab
Remedies for Mars
Planets in Astrology
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