Moon in Vishakha

Know Result of Moon in Vishakha as per Vedic astrology

Vishakha prediction : If there has to be a word for you, it will be “determined”. You put all your dedication to achieve what you desire for. That is why it is important for you to decide the motive. After that, you just put all your energy into it. You just like to work all the time. There is a desire in you to get more comforts in life and you consider celebration, love, and luxury as important parts of life. Your features are sharp and eyes are beautiful. You are courteous, social, and alway stay happy. Your voice is sweet and you never speak bitterly to anyone. Education-wise, your situation is good. Due to the effect of Jupiter, you have an excitement about getting knowledge from your childhood. You are good with studies; that is why you will get high education. When it comes on physical hard work, you try to avoid that. However, you use your brain a lot. If you are considered from a social angle, your circle is quite big because you are quite friendly in nature. You behave quite lovingly and respectfully with people. If someone needs you, you always come to their rescue. This is the reason why people come to you when you need them most. You are also associated with the institutions dealing with social welfare. Conservative or old traditions have no value in your life. You don’t want anything bad for anyone in life. Your voice is vibrant, which attracts people. Hence, if you try your hand in politics, you can do a lot of social welfare. When it comes on earning daily bread, you prefer doing job rather than business. You will put hard efforts to get a government job. Even if you will do business, you will try to keep terms with the government in some way. Your situation is quite good financially and sudden monetary benefits are also expected. Lottery etc. may also benefit you. You already enjoy saving money and all these things will help you in that. Financial strains will never be felt by you and even if you felt something like that, it will be quite temporary.

Education & Income : You try to excel uniquely in everything, which can make you successful always. Favorable professions for you are fashion designing; modelling; stage performer; radio & television; politics; army; dance; custom; police; security force; security guard; etc.

Family Life : You love your life partner and children very much, and try to spend more time with them. When it comes on family, you prefer living in a joint family. You are quite attached with your family and also you know very well how to take care of your family.

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