Moon in Bharani
Know Result of Moon in Bharani as per Vedic astrology
Bharani nakshtra prediction : You are born in the Bharani Nakshatra and it makes you bighearted. Also, you don’t mind harsh words said by anyone. You have got big and attractive eyes that express a lot about you. It appears as if your eyes are talking with the observer. With your spellbinding smile and killer attitude, you can make anyone go crazy for you. You carry a very strong attraction. No matter how much you are panicked inside, you look quite serene at the surface. As you are quite friendly, you don’t think much about the long-term. You live your life to the fullest and enjoy taking risks. Right direction and loving support helps you in reaching your goal soon. You avoid taking short-cuts and prefer the simple straight way. There is nothing that you do against your conscience and try to put everything clear in front of others. Even if there is a risk of losing a healthy relationship, you prefer to be clear on your part. You are honest and take a good care of your self-respect. That is why you prefer doing all your tasks yourself. Lord of the Bharani Nakshatra is Venus, which signifies auspiciousness, beauty, and art, which makes you clever, lover of beauty, materialistic, music lover, art lover, and a traveller. You enjoy wearing good clothes and living a royal lifestyle. Also, you share your interests in arts, singing, games, and sports. This constellation is also considered quite positive for females because it enhances the feminine qualities which signifies the effect of Venus (ruler of beauty and lover of art). You are quite optimistic and respectful to your elders. You don’t wait for the opportunities, rather you start looking for them. Your familial life will be good. You will not only be loved by your life partner, but also rule them due to your nature.
Education & Income : You can get exclusive success in the fields related music, dance, art, and acting; works related to entertainment and theatre; modelling, fashion designing, photography, and video editing, and in business related to beauty; administrative works; farming; advertisement; motor vehicle related works; hotel industry; law; etc. You also have a special interest in saving money.
Family Life : You love your family too much and don’t want to stay without them even for a single day. When it comes on marriage, you may get married in between the age of 23 to 27. You spend a lot in fulfilling the needs of your family because you consider it quite important. From your spouse, you will get enough love, support, and faith. You respect your elders a lot as well. Due to this, you enjoy a beautiful family life.