House Warming Ceremony Muhurat 2015 - Griha Pravesh Muhurat 2015
Housewarming Muhurat 2015 or Griha Pravesh ceremony Muhurat 2015 is here for all those who are planning to move into their new house. Let all the positivity enter into your new world and transform it into a heaven.
Housewarming ceremony is a very vital aspect of Hinduism and should be performed strictly before shifting into a new house, be it owned, renovated or rented. It is believed that dwelling places have influence of unseen negativities on them and to remove these negative vibes and energy, house-warming ceremony or Griha Pravesh is very important. Conducting these rituals protect all the family members who are about to live in that house and fetches good luck as well. Main reason behind performing Griha Pravesh is to gain health, wealth, harmony, prosperity, and luck for all the people of the family. Through this article on Griha Pravesh Muhurat 2015, we will not only tell you about the best Muhurats of the year, but will also explain you everything related to this important Hindu ritual.
Home is the best, safest, and most comfortable place for one and all. It is our heaven and hence, the need to perform Graha Pravesh increases. For all those who are planning to carry out housewarming ceremony for their home in 2015, below given table is of utmost use. Here, in this house-warming ceremony Muhurat 2015, you will find all the auspicious Griha Pravesh Muhurats of the year.
Date | Tithi | Day | Nakshatra |
16 January | Magh Krishna 11 | Friday | In Anuradha |
26 January | Magh Shukla 7 | Monday | In Revati |
29 January | Magh Shukla 10 | Thursday | In Rohini |
30 January | Magh Shukla 11 | Friday | Before Bhadra |
9 February | Falguni Krishna 5 | Monday | In Chitra |
16 February | Falguni krishna 12 | Monday | Uttara Asadha Conjoining In Siddhyog |
21 February | Falguni Shukla 3 | Saturday | In Tritiya |
27 February | Falguni Shukla 9 | Friday | Dashmi Conjoining In Mrigshira |
22 April | Vaishakh Shukla 4 | Wednesday | After Bhadra |
23 April | Vaishakh Shukla 5 | Thursday | In Mrigshira |
30 April | Vaishakh Shukla 12 | Thursday | In Uttara Falguni |
6 May | Jyeshtha Krishna 2 | Wednesday | In Anuradha |
9 May | Jyeshtha Krishna 5 | Saturday | In Uttara Asadha |
14 May | Jyeshtha Krishna 11 | Thursday | In Uttara Bhadra |
20 May | Jyeshtha Shukla 2 | Wednesday | In Mrigshira |
27 May | Jyeshtha Shukla 9 | Wednesday | In Dashmi |
28 May | Jyeshtha Shukla 10 | Thursday | In Uttara Falguni |
30 May | Jyeshtha Shukla 12 | Saturday | After Vyatipaat In Chitra |
Griha Pravesh Muhurat 2015: The 3 Types Of Housewarming Ceremony
Graha Pravesh Sanskar is mainly of three types. Based on the type of house, these three types are classified as:
Apoorva : This type of Griha Pravesh ceremony is done while moving into an absolutely new built house.
Sapoorva : Sapoorva Graha Pravesh is done while shifting into an already existing house after shifting to that place.
Dwandwa : This is done when moving into a reconstructed or renovated house.
Griha Pravesh Muhurat 2015: Significance Of Sun In House Warming Ceremony
If you are in a mood to conduct housewarming ceremony in 2015, it is very important for you to know the fact that positioning of Sun plays a very important role in this ritual. Make sure that you carry out house-warming ceremony when the Sun moves Uttarayan, i.e. to Capricorn. It is believed that such a position of Sun increases the auspiciousness of Griha Pravesh Sanskar ceremony.
Griha Pravesh Muhurat 2015: Ceremonies Associated With Housewarming Ceremony
Vastu Puja : This Puja pleases Lord Vastu and is performed outside the house. To carry out Vastu Puja, you need a one rupee coin and nine kinds of grains or Navadhanya.
Vastu Shanti : Also termed as Griha Shanti, this ritual consists of Hawan (Homa). Vastu Shanti involves chanting of Rakshoghna and Pavamana Mantra. This Puja Vidhi discards all the negativity from the surroundings and attracts positive vibes.
Satya Narayan Puja : Followed mostly in the southern regions of the country, this Puja is done to appease Lord Vishnu. Other than South India, Satya Narayan Puja holds immense importance for Bengalis and Maharashtrians too. To begin the rituals, Lord Ganesha is worshiped first, followed by worshiping all the nine planets and finally Lord Satyanarayana.
Griha Pravesh Muhurat 2015: When To Avoid House Warming Ceremony
Before finalizing any day to carry out Griha Pravesh ceremony, it is important to know the auspicious and inauspicious months. Check out these months here:
Average : Kartik and Margshirsh
Inauspicious : Bhadrapad, Ashadh, Ashwin, Shravan, and Paush
Other than these, avoid performing housewarming ceremony during Amavasya too.
So, this was all about housewarming ceremony Muhurat in 2015. Transform your house from a ordinary living one into heaven with the help of favorable Muhurats given in Griha Pravesh ceremony Muhurat 2015. A home is not just a place to live, but the only place in the world which unites your loved ones together. Hence, make sure you enter your home under the most favorable stara and on the best suited day. We wish you good luck.