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Jupiter Transit in Libra (September 12, 2017)

Jupiter Transit in Libra

In Vedic astrology, the planet Jupiter, known as Brihaspati in Hindi is the Guru of deities, and the source of wisdom. In human life, it signifies teachers, mentors, and elderly people. The day dedicated to this planet is Guruvaar (Thursday). The Zodiac Signs, Sagittarius and Pisces are ruled by it. While the Sun, Moon and Mars have a friendly relationship with Jupiter, Mercury and Venus are considered as enemies by it. The planet is exalted in Zodiac Sign Cancer, and debilitated in Capricorn. Jupiter is a planet associated with kindness and mercy. It is the planet of abundance, and blesses people with wealth, marital bliss and children. It is generally considered as a positive force, which fills life with optimism, and grants knowledge and wisdom. Jupiter will transit into Libra on September 12, 2017 (Tuesday) at 07:59, and would remain there till 20:39 on October 11, 2018 (Thursday).

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The predictions of Jupiter Transit in Libra on all Signs are given below according to Moon Signs. Click here to know your Moon Sign: Moon Sign Calculator


The lord of your ninth and twelfth house, Jupiter will move into the seventh house from your Moon Sign. This transit would add essence to your marital life, due to which your marital life would be happy and blissful, and the bond between you and your spouse would grow deeper and stronger. There would be joy and harmony in your marriage, and together with your spouse you would proceed further in the journey of your life. Your own health would improve, and your mind would be refreshed. Mental stress would not be a problem for you to face, and as a result you would be able to take wise decisions. Owing to your spouse, your social status would improve. Chances of foreign settlement are quite high, especially for those who are trying for it, and so they are advised to make the best out of this opportunity, and proceed with their plans, due to which they could get things done in their favour. An inflow of money would lead to an increase in income. It would be a good period for your siblings, and they would luxuriate in comforts. The hard work and efforts of your spouse would help them earn name and fame.

Remedy: Chant Guru Brihaspati Mantra: Aum Gum Guruvey Namah !!

Buy 100% Genuine Sapphire Stone: Buy Yellow Sapphire Stone

Know detailed facts about Aries Zodiac Sign


The lord of your eighth and eleventh house, Jupiter will move into the sixth house from your Moon Sign. Your health status might decline, and as a result, health issues might arise. Chances of development of a chronic disease are there, so you are advised to go for regular medical check ups. A gain in weight might lead to obesity, and to avoid this you need to keep a check on what you eat, and prioritise your fitness. You would put extra efforts in your work, due to which you would get positive results. However, to achieve the desired results, you might have to face some hardships and struggle. There might be a decline in favours from seniors at workplace. Conflicts with your elder siblings or seniors at work are quite probable, so you need to take care not to indulge in arguments with them. There might be an increase in your expenses, as you would find many reasons to spend your hard earned money. If you want to take a bank loan, it would be a good time for you to do so, as you would be able to repay it soon. With your utmost determination and sincere efforts, there would be an inflow of income, due to which you would be able to maintain your financial status.

Remedy: Donate Sugar (Shakkar) to Brahmins, and feed cows.

Know detailed facts about Taurus Zodiac Sign


The lord of your seventh and tenth house, Jupiter will move into the fifth house from your Moon Sign. This period might bring about sudden changes in your current job or profession. You might not feel satisfied with your current job, which would make you switch your job. This transit would provide you with a better opportunity to replace your old job with a new and better one. Your love life would flourish, and there might be a development of an unbreakable and strong bond that would make you yearn for your lover, and in order to remain together for all your life, you might look forward to go for a wed-lock. If married, your children would enjoy a good time, their concentration would improve, and they would perform well in their studies. It would be a good period for students, as they would be able to do well at the education front, and gain wisdom and knowledge during this period. Your luck would support you, and success would be achieved in your undertakings. You would be able to implement your ideas, and with their aid you would be able to achieve name, fame and prosperity. It would be a good period as far as financial perspective is concerned. Your spouse might receive some accolades or achievements in their field. Journeys would beget benefits and enrichment of knowledge. Your friend circle would expand, and you would befriend some scholarly and eminent people.

Remedy: Donate Pure Ghee on Thursdays.

Let Rudraksh bring prosperity to your life: Buy Genuine Rudraksh

Know detailed facts about Gemini Zodiac Sign


The lord of your sixth and ninth house, Jupiter will move into the fourth house from your Moon Sign. This transit would bring peace, harmony and bliss in your personal life. You would enjoy good time at home, and a sense of satisfaction would prevail in your mind during this period. Your work conditions would also improve, and you would be able to perform in accordance to the requirement of your management or higher officials. Health of your father might be affected, and so you need to keep a check on his health. You may stay in your ancestors or parental home. There might be some property related issues, however your luck would support you, and help you tackle them by using using your brain. You might spend on sacred and religious deeds. Your philanthropic and religious views would earn you appreciation from the people around you. Your way of dealing with others would be praised, and people may come to you seeking your valuable advice. Elderly and scholarly people would extend their support to you during this period, and you might prosper as a result of their blessings. You may enjoy homely comforts, and your family members would be supportive to you.

Remedy: Worship Banana tree every Thursday.

Know detailed facts about Cancer Zodiac Sign

To know the dates of various festivals in 2017, click here


The lord of your fifth and eighth house, Jupiter will transit into the third house from your Moon Sign. This period would fill you up with enthusiasm and determination, and as a result you would move ahead in life, and achieve whatever you wish for. You need to leave your lethargic approach towards life, and put your heart and soul into whatever you do in order to achieve what you aim for. Your siblings might suffer during this period. Your love life would improve, and there are probable chances that a new relationship might bloom during this period, and invite with it a long lasting happiness. If married, your marital life would improve, and you would witness the growth of a strong connection with your spouse. The health of parents, especially that of your father might deteriorate. Your efforts would lead you to the road of progress and help you in achieving success. Chances of getting parental property, will or sudden gains are there. Your income would multiply, and hence you would enjoy a good financial status. Your children would enjoy a peaceful time, and this period would bring them good health and lead to progress in their life.

Remedy: Perform Shri Shiv Rudrabhishek with Honey.

Now bring positive energies in your home with Guru yantra: Buy Guru Yantra

Know detailed facts about Leo Zodiac Sign


The lord of your fourth and seventh house, Jupiter will move into the second house from Moon Sign. An auspicious ceremony in your family is highly probable. An addition of a new member in your family in the form of marriage or childbirth is likely to occur. Your voice would gain maturity, and your speech would become your tool to impress others. People would admire whatever you say. You might develop a sense of intuition, due to which some things you say might come to be true. You might gain through your property either by renting it or by other means. Your family’s support would play a vital role during this period. Your spouse might experience some health issues during this period. If they are working, this period would be filled with several rises and falls. If you are involved in a business partnership, you would enjoy benefits, and your business partner would be the reason for accumulation of wealth. Your name in society and in your family would be taken with respect. Slight health issues might trouble you at times, so you need to keep a check on your food habits and avoid sweet foods.

Remedy:Lit a Camphor lamp everyday in your home.

Know detailed facts about Virgo Zodiac Sign


The lord of your third and sixth house, Jupiter will move into your own Moon sign . You would be more energetic than ever, and your approach towards life would be more positive and mature. Your siblings would extend their support to you, and would prove to be your helping hand. You would be more open to accepting challenges, and tackling them with your sincere approach and intelligence. You may face health related issues, and would be more prone to obesity. You would be counted as an intelligent person, and your social status would improve. During this period, your married life would improve, and any prevailing problem in your married life would be solved, leading to marital bliss. Your children would do well during this period. They would learn etiquettes, respect their elders. Students would be more devoted and punctual in their studies. You would attain good name and fame. Health of your father would improve, and he may recover from past illness, if any. You would enjoy your life, and indulge in virtuous and charitable deeds. An increase in your income is highly probable.

Remedy:Donate turmeric (haldi) and split chickpeas (Chana Daal) on Thursdays, and feed Cows everyday.

Know detailed facts about Libra Zodiac Sign


The lord of your second and fifth house, Jupiter will move into the twelfth house from your Moon Sign. During this period, your expenses might increase, but most of it would be for good, charitable and virtuous deeds. You may spend on religious activities too. If married, your children might go abroad for study purposes. There would be peace and harmony in your domestic life. However, your spouse might face some health issues, and might gain weight. If you are trying to take loan from a bank, it might be done during this span of time. On the other hand, you would try your best to repay your loans and succeed in doing so. Your health would improve, and your immune system would work at its best. You might think about investing your money. You would enjoy air-travelling during this transit period. You need to control your expenses,as it might lead to financial troubles. You would perform well at your career front, and your efforts would result in your recognition and positive results. Your inclination towards religious activities and spirituality would increase, and you would seek spiritual liberation as it would help you to uplift your soul to a higher level. Health of your mother would improve, and you may think to either look for a new house or do some modifications in your home. You may also perform a yajna at your home. There are chances that you may give your property on rent, and benefit through the same.

Remedy: Water a Peepal Tree (Sacred Fig Tree) every Thursday in the morning without touching the tree.

Bring Spiritual and religious atmosphere in your home with Bharangi root: Bharangi Jadi

Know detailed facts about Scorpio Zodiac Sign


Jupiter is the lord of your own sign and your fourth house as well. Jupiter will move into the eleventh house from your Moon Sign, which would bring prosperity and gains in your life. Your main focus would be on earning money, and increasing your income. In order to achieve this, you would go on some important journeys, which would prove to be fruitful for you. In the race of running after money, your schedule would become hectic and busy, and thus you would not be able to give time to your domestic life. You would meet eminent and scholarly people of the society, and with your contacts with the elite section of the society, you would receive gains in many ways. During this period of transit, you might have more than one source of income. You would enjoy company of your friends, relatives, well wishers and other good people. Your elder siblings might face some issues during this period, however your younger siblings would enjoy a happy and peaceful life. Jupiter’s grace would be on your children and their life. The transit would improve your love life, and you might think to move one milestone ahead in your love relationship, by giving it the sacred name of marriage. If you are a student, your concentration would be increase, and you would completely devote yourself to studies. You would love to learn new things, and grasp knowledge. You would pay respect to the elderly people and all others you come across with. Your near and dear ones might tell you that you are becoming more of a preacher. Your married life would improve, and the health of your spouse would be good. There would be love, devotion and support from your spouse, and both of you would enjoy marital bliss.

Remedy:Wear a Gold Ring with Yellow Sapphire in your index finger on Thursday.

Know detailed facts about Sagittarius Zodiac Sign


Jupiter is the lord of your twelfth and third house. With the transit, Jupiter will move into the tenth house from your Moon Sign. During this period, your efforts would play a major role in shaping your career and accomplishing the goals that you have set. You may think to turn your hobby into your profession. Your passion, efforts and full potential would result in a rise in your career. You would like your workplace and enjoy your work with all your heart. Your wise decisions and knowledge would help you in doing your work, and would further aid in obtaining good results. Your personal as well as professional life would improve, and peace and prosperity would prevail. Your siblings might join you in your profession, or prove to be a helping hand in your career progress. You might have relationships with foreigners or foreign companies, which would add some extra benefits to your business or profession. You would be able to manage your finance, and would accumulate wealth. You would dominate over your opponents, and your job would be good. However, if you wish to change your job, you would be able to do so with some lucrative benefits. You would be able to maintain harmony and balance between personal and professional life.

Remedy: Keep a yellow handkerchief in your pocket and apply a Kesar Tilak on your forehead.

Know detailed facts about Capricorn Zodiac Sign


The lord of your eleventh and second house, Jupiter will move into the ninth house from your Moon Sign. During this transit period,you would enjoy several benefits. Your social status would improve, and you may think about going on a long journey, which would yield numerous benefits. You would be more inclined towards religious and virtuous pursuits. You would develop a charitable, liberal and kind approach in life, and would always be ready to help others in times of need. This would lead to an elevation in your social status, and help you in garnering words of praise by the people around you. Teachers, mentors and elderly people would bless you, and you would be respectable towards them. Your health would improve during this period, and your mind would be at peace, due to which you would be able to take the right decisions at the right time. Your siblings would be comfortable, and would do very well in their life. Your love life would improve, and there would be an increase in respect, acceptance, attachment and love towards each other. If you are married, your spouse might have an increase in their enthusiasm, and would receive various gains. Your children would enjoy a good time, and perform well in their studies. You might think about going on a pilgrimage with your family members, which would give you mental peace and happiness.

Remedy: Establish Guru Brihaspati Yantra on Friday and worship it daily.

Know detailed facts about Aquarius Zodiac Sign

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The lord of your own sign and your tenth house, Jupiter will move into the eighth house from your Moon Sign. This period would bring about innumerable translations in your life. Some changes might be so sudden and unexpected that they might make you wonder. Your health might deteriorate, and you might have to face some health related issues. Your expenditures would skyrocket, and some unwanted expenses might get your alarm bells ringing. Your father might face some financial losses. There might some crests and troughs in your professional life. It is likely that you might get a transfer from your existing job, or you might think about switching your current job. Your inclination towards occult sciences, hidden knowledge, astrology and spirituality, etc. would increase, and you would devote your time to such activities. There might be a slight decline in favours from your seniors, and hence you need to work hard to uplift your own self in your profession. You might stay away from your current residence. An auspicious ceremony in the family of your in-laws is likely to happen. Your speech would improve, and you would talk maturely, and your intelligence would be visible to the people you talk to.You need to keep a check on your food habits, and avoid spicy and sugary foods, as they might lead to health issues.

Remedy: Chant Guru Brihaspati Beej Mantra: Aum Graam greem Graum Sah Guruve Namah

Know detailed facts about Pisces Zodiac Sign

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We at AstroSage, hope to have helped you by unfolding the events that you may come across as a result of this transit!

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