Sun Transit 2021 - Sun Transit 2021 Dates, Predictions & Remedies

Sun Transit 2021 Sun Transit 2021 is a major occurrence in the world of astrology and said to be an impactful event. Read what transformations will Sun Transit in 2021 bring for the natives of all 12 zodiac signs. Read 2021 Sun Transit predictions and find out what remedy will be effective for natives to attain its benefic sight.

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The Sun is the heart of the Galaxy, around which all the planets revolve. In Vedic Astrology, the Sun is of vital importance and is considered as the soul energy. Being the ruler of the Divine Cabinet it is in the commanding position. All the heavenly bodies get combust when they are too close to this ball of fire. That’s the demarcation of the Sun in astrosophy. When placed well in a chart it bestows power, authority, position, name, fame and dominances to the natives. It gives a fragile constitution with low self-confidence and esteem, weak sight, financial and social issues when ill-placed in a horoscope.

Exalting in the fierce sign of the warrior Mars and Aries and debilitating in the delicacy of the feminist planet Venus in its sign of balance Libra, this masculine Sun reigns over the Lion of the jungle which is the fifth sign of Zodiac, i.e. Leo. As per the natural Zodiac, it occupies the fifth house of education, recreation, community, entertainment and past deeds. The representative of government, administration, diplomats and public sector working, plays an essential role in politics. The source of natural light showers an individual with good moral values and religious inclination. Having A lineage from the Solar dynasty of Lord Rama, it carves out a native with a strong character and high belief system. Looking into the Sun transit 2021 dates for this year :

SAGITTARIUS CAPRICORN 14 January Thursday 8:04
CAPRICORN AQUARIUS 12 February Friday 21:03
AQUARIUS PISCES 14 March Sunday 17:55
PISCES ARIES 14 April Wednesday 2:35
ARIES TAURUS 14 May Friday 23:14
TAURUS GEMINI 15 June Tuesday 5:49
GEMINI CANCER 16 July Friday 16:41
CANCER LEO 17 August Tuesday 1:05
LEO VIRGO 17 September Friday 1:02
VIRGO LIBRA 17 October Sunday 13:00
LIBRA SCORPIO 16 November Tuesday 12:49
SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS 16 December Thursday 3:28

Let us figure out the impact of the Sun transit 2021 on all twelve Zodiac signs.

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Sun Transit 2021: Aries

The Sun in this hot-headed sign of Mars is outstanding. As per 2021 Saturn Transit, it will draw out the dynamism and energy in you. You will be on your toes and put your best of the efforts in all the tasks in hand. You will be good at delegating the responsibilities and getting the work done in your professional life. You will be goal-oriented and highly ambitious during this period, also you will create new possibilities for your better working and a higher standard of living.

The business entrepreneurs will have a favourable time, as they will be bursting with new plans and will implement them on the offset, which will bring success in the future. You will be dominating in your personal life and will give commands to your dear ones which will be in their best of interests. High in optimism, you will be good at giving advice and will be magnificent in carrying out all your endeavours. Your relationship with your father and fatherly figure at your place will be strong during this period. You will have an inclination to visit religious places and know mythological facts during this time. You may also make short pilgrimages with the elders of the family to quench your quest. This transit will be auspicious for Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius natives.

Remedy: Feed jaggery to cows, especially on Sundays

Sun Transit 2021: Taurus

The heat of the Sun in the earthy sign Taurus makes an exclusive combination. As per 2021 Sun Transit Predictions as per Vedic Astrology, You will be more confident and stubborn during this period. You will be assertive and will perform all your tasks without giving a second thought to it. Your inclination with your family and home affairs will increase during this time. You will be highly responsible at your workplace and will take liability for your subordinates and team members. You will always be lazy when not actively involved in work.

You may go out with your family for a leisure trip or a relaxing holiday. You will be on a materialistic plane and will spend a lot on comforts and luxuries during this time. You may feel a little stressful due to the high expenditure and desire for acquiring more income. Those who are in the banking sector, gemstones and administration will have a better period, since you will be able to carry out your work with utmost perfection which will bring encouragement in terms of cash and kind. You will enjoy your social circle and earn goodwill in your community or society. This transit 2021 will bring out the best results for Aries, Aquarius and Pisces.

Remedy: Offer Arghya to Sun every morning.

Sun Transit 2021: Gemini

The dominating Sun in the flirtatious sign of Mercury is an illuminating combination and it brings positive changes in the lives of individuals as per Sun Transit 2021 Forecast. Your communications skills will enhance and you will be good enough to influence people and persuade them as per your choices. This quality will be helpful in your professional life, as you will be able to convince your potential client and will be able to expand your business in the longer run. Those who are into marketing, managing, media or advertising profiles will bloom during this time since you will have a good command over your work and will be able to convince your subordinates and customers with your point of view.

Also, those who are in the teaching profession or pursuing astrology as career choices will witness some growth in their career during this transit period. You will be flexible and adapt to your surrounding environment and circumstances easily, therefore if planning to pursue anything new, you should consider doing the same during this time, since you will adjust to the changes and new beginnings in a spur of the moment. You will enjoy socialising and having healthy, intellectual conversations at the gatherings. This transit will be auspicious for all the dual signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

Remedy: Keep a piece of red cloth in your wallet for financial abundance.

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Sun Transit 2021: Cancer

The lord of the Cancer is the Moon and Sun is a friend to the Moon. When the Sun transits in Cancer as per Sun Transit 2021, you will be very emotional during this time and this might hurt you quite often. You will not be able to trust anyone easily and will make any new friends with utmost care. In fact, your friends will be the one who can sympathize with you. When in a relationship, you will be sentimental and in a few cases, your partner may trick you as well. You will prefer to stay at home most of the time as you will feel confident and secure there.

When you are at home, you will be full of energy and will entertain everyone around you. Professionally, if you are working in the hotel or hospitality industry, or as a scientist, then you will be successful. However, success will not come easy to you and you will have to work hard for it. You will be a family person and will care for everyone at home. Sometimes, while catering to the needs of others during this transit phase, you may forget the needs of yourself. As per 2021 Transit Predictions of Sun, your decision making power will be weak at this time and you will not be able to come up to a conclusion most of the days during this period. The transit will be a favourable one for Taurus and Gemini.

Remedy: Eat jaggery every day after your meals.

Sun Transit 2021: Leo

Sun is the god of wisdom which signifies life force, father, creator, confidence and authority. And Leo is the sign of sunny outbursts, where its planetary ruler is Sun. When the Sun will be in Leo as per 2021 Sun Transit Predictions, you will be very generous and will love everyone around you. You will be bold enough to take risks, and you can also plan to open a startup during this time. You will be confident, optimistic and your aura and charisma can be felt by everyone.

At work, you will work very hard, and people will appreciate you. You will believe in yourself and you will not leave any stone unturned to complete your endeavours. You will spend time and money on your friends and family. You will not think ill of anyone and in return, no one will get annoyed with you. You will see everything with a new perspective and you will get many new ideas. However, at this time, you may get egoistic which might hurt someone, you should be careful in this regard. You will be successful if you are in a position of authority, for example, a leadership position or in the government. You may get hurt if someone hurts your pride, you have to stay strong in this case. This transit will bring auspicious results for Aries, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius natives.

Remedy: Apply Kumkum tilak on your forehead every day.

Sun Transit 2021: Virgo

When the Sun is in Virgo, you will be very dynamic and impulsive in nature. The relationship between these two planetary bodies can be considered to be a friendly one. You will be on the path of self-improvement. You may make a goal for yourself and you will work towards the same. Professionally the ones who are in a very responsible position will be successful. In addition to this, writers and teachers will also find success. You will try to improve your lifestyle, eating and health habits, and your sleep cycle.

You will be very tidy and will be punctual, and expect the same from others as well as predicted by 2021 Sun Transit as per Vedic Astrology. You will expect the best out of others and will help achieve the same. If something does not work as per your expectations, you will get discouraged and tense. In such situations, to be at peace, you can take the help of yoga and meditation in your lifestyle. You will be very practical and hate any nonsense from others. You will focus majorly on detail and will be a perfectionist. This transit of the Sun in 2021 will be beneficial for Gemini, Leo, Capricorn and Saggitarius.

Remedy: Recite Vishnu Sahasranama.

Sun Transit 2021: Libra

Sun in Vedic Astrology describes your individuality. When the Sun is in Libra in 2021, it signifies your motivation towards your wishes and desires. You will be inclined towards the ideologies of justice and fairness for all during this time. You will believe in law and will try to bring peace for everyone around. Also, you will not just believe in such things, but you will act on it as well. You will try to use user social connections for bringing your belief into a reality. As per the Sun Transit 2021 Predictions, you will be very social and try to maintain good relations with everyone.

Sometimes you may lose your focus from what you desire and what you seek and will start thinking about what others think of you, there you will also be judgemental during this time. You may become too much self-involved at times, and will be concerned about your own respect only. At this time, you can suffer from a deficit of money and make erratic decisions. You will try to make everyone happy, which is not always possible, and in this dilemma, you will not be able to choose and will end up hurting your dear ones. Overall, this position is considered to be a malefic position for the Sun. This transit will not bring many favourable results as the Sun will be in its debilitation point.

Remedy: Offer red cloth and pomegranate in the temple on Sundays.

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Sun Transit 2021: Scorpio

As per Transit 2021 Predictions, when the Sun is found in the sign of Scorpio, you will have an inclination in seeking the truth, since Scorpio is the sign of depth and secrets. It will not just be the truth about the world, but even about yourself. You will learn from experiences and you will try to incorporate every new learning in your life during this period. You will be successful professionally if you are into portfolio management, investor or investment planner, stockbroker, or someone who guides people with their money. Because of your zeal to find the truth at this time, people who are into analysis, strategy planning, risk management will also succeed.

Some of you may also experience an increase in their intuition power. You can try your hands as a healer or a counsellor because of your ability to find the rightness at this time. You will be very private at this time and you will try to keep so many things to yourself only. You will suppress your emotions within your heart. Married natives can be dissatisfied at this time. You will not be a spend-thrift and will save at this time. At the same time, you can be very sensitive at this time and your enemies can try to dominate you. This transit is favourable for Aquarius, Leo and Pisces.

Remedy: Grow a rose plant and nurture it.

Sun Transit 2021: Sagittarius

Sun Transit 2021 predicts that when the Sun is in Sagittarius, you will become a very responsible person during this phase. You will be curious to learn, gather knowledge, and learn about different cultures. You can also make some travel plans at this time. Your generosity and honesty will be at peak during this period. You will be very decent and courteous and will set yourself as an example to others. However, at this time, you will be a little less patient. You may get annoyed easily if someone hurts your pride or tries to demean you. In this anger, you may lose your self-control as well.

You will care for everyone as a father does and you will expect the same respect as a father should get. You will love food and may eat a lot of junk food as well which you should avoid, as you may suffer from acidity and burning sensation. Professionally, if you are a manager, or in some authoritative position, you will do good for others, and people will respect you for that. You will also do good as a teacher or a banker at this time. You may become restless if you have to complete some work. At this time, you may become insensitive to other’s feelings. You will not like to dominate someone or get dominated at this time. This transit will be good for Aries and Pisces.

Remedy: Wear a gold chain or gold ring.

Sun Transit 2021: Capricorn

Capricorn is governed by Saturn which is the most feared planet in the Vedic astrology. When Sun is in Capricorn, you will be an introvert during this transit phase, you will not share your secrets and will be thoughtful. You will work hard to achieve what you desire, and it may also take some time for you to get success. However, you will not lose your patience. You will be willing and open to learning new things as predicted by Sun Transit 2021. You will be very sincere at work for which your seniors will appreciate you. In terms of love and married life, you will be very loyal and trustworthy and will expect the same from your partner as well. You will have a strong sense of giving back to society and you will also align your actions accordingly.

You will expect recognition for whatever you do. You will have an excellent sense of dressing up which will be clearly visible from your attire. You will be very practical sometimes and will fail to express your emotions. You can be dependable and you will always be there for your friends if they need any help during this period. Your friends will enjoy your company as you will have a good sense of humour at this time.The soft, delicate planet will be in the tough and hard-working earthy sign of Capricorn ruled by the planet Saturn. You will be sincere towards your connections and expect a strong commitment from your partner. If in a relationship, this time will be slow, dull and monotonous, your dear one may find it difficult to cope up with your tough thoughts. This transit will be favourable for Taurus, Leo, Virgo natives.

Remedy: Wear red coloured clothes on Sundays.

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Sun Transit 2021: Aquarius

Aquarius is ruled by Saturn which is inimical towards the Sun. When the Sun is in Aquarius, the native can become short-tempered. You will save money and may sometimes not even spend on essentials. You may not keep very tidy and up to date in dressing, due to this people might find you lazy and unorganised.

You will remain very emotional as predicted by 2021 Transit of the Sun and always think of the well-being of others because of which people will like your attitude. At work, you will be a team player, and if working in an authoritative position, you will be successful. You will be compassionate and empathetic towards all. In Spite of being emotional, you will not be able to express your feelings. At times, you might feel alone and may detach yourself from the world which can hurt you even more. You will be excellent in communication and networking and have a big social circle. Your idealism will be so strong that you may get stubborn at times. You will believe in freedom and nobody will be able to take that away from you during this time. This transit will be good for Aries, Gemini & Virgo natives.

Remedy: Take blessings from father and elders of the family before going out.

Sun Transit 2021: Pisces

When the Sun is in the last sign of the zodiac, i.e., Pisces, you will be very adaptable and understanding. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Sun and Jupiter are friendly with each other. You will be a good listener and easily adaptable as per the conditions you will be facing during this period. You might not be very successful at this time if you are a business person. However, you will be successful if you work in the field of art, music, teaching where you have to express yourself. You will not be able to take even good criticism easily at this time.

You might become careless at this time, and get late for meetings for appointments which might not make a good impression at work. You will get comfort from your children. You may also make some travel plans at this time. You may become moody at times and you will not be able to even understand yourself. You will be concerned about what others think about you which may put you in worry and distress. At such times, it is advised that you adapt meditation in your lifestyle. Some of you may also want to practice religious and spiritual activities at this time. This transit will be good for Cancer natives.

Remedy: Recite Aditya Hridya Stotra every day.

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