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Venus Transit in Aquarius (21 February 2021)

Venus, the planet of manifestation, beauty and romance will move from the traditional sign of Capricorn to a rather innovative and revolutionary sign Aquarius on 21st February 2021 @ 02:12 am. The Aquarius is the natural sign of social circle, success and desires and Venus represents the manifestation of desires.

So, let’s see what results are there in store for all the zodiac signs during this transit.

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Venus Transit in Aquarius


For the Aries moon sign, Venus governs their second house of accumulated wealth, family and seventh house of marital relationships and business partnerships and is positioned in the eleventh house of income, success and riches. This transit will bring opulence and prosperity to the Aries natives as they are likely to be at the receiving end of multiple opportunities. This is because Venus is making a very strong “Dhan yoga” in this duration.

Those of you who are doing business in the form of partnerships may see their pockets full of money in this duration. Those of you in the professions related to arts, creativity and fashion are likely to come across many opportunities to flourish at this time of the year. It is by way far better transit than the last transit of Venus for the Aries natives.

On the personal front, happiness will prevail in the home environment and you will also get full support from your family during this period. Also, a great time that will see you enjoying quality time with your friends. Single natives, born under the sign of the Ram willing to enter into new relationships, might come across someone with whom they might hit off instantly. For married natives, there is going to be new-found energy in your personal life. Some of you might also get bundles of joy in the form of a baby.

Overall, a good transit that will bring fulfilment of desires.

Remedy- Fasting on Fridays will bring auspicious results.


Venus, being the lord of the ascendant and sixth house will transit through the tenth house of profession and career for natives born under the sign of the bull. This indicates that you are likely to get mixed and interesting results during this cycle of Venus.

Professionally, during this time, you will need to speed up your efforts, because somewhere you will start taking your work or your profession for granted. Due to this, there will be a lack of innovation in your ideology and you will not be able to feel connected with work and will be serious. It will take you towards laziness and indolence hampering your productivity and efficiency. Because of these weaknesses, your enemies can dominate you too during this time duration. Therefore, working on these weaknesses will be very important during this transit.

Taurus businessmen are also suggested to work according to the resources that are available with them because it is not the right time to take any kind of loans and liabilities.

In terms of personal life, family life will be full of contentment, happiness and bliss. However, people in love may find that the expectations of your partner or beloved may increase during this duration. So, try and spend quality time with them, do small gestures from your side to make them feel special. This will help bring stability and smoothness in the relationship.

Students born under this sign may have to work harder during this transit to up their performance, as their concentration levels are likely to dip in this duration.

Healthwise, try to remain active in your lifestyle, indulge in physical exercise, yoga and meditation, otherwise, this position of Venus might trigger the onset of lifestyle diseases like obesity, diabetes etc.

Remedy- Sprinkle rose water on Shivling daily in the Morning during the transit.


For the Gemini natives, Venus will be transiting through the ninth house of your horoscope. This house represents fortune, luck, spirituality and higher education.

Professionally, as Venus is the lord of the 5th house of planning and strategies positioned along with the 3rd house of efforts, the Sun in your 9th house of luck and fortune is very auspicious. This shows that you will get the full benefit of luck at this time, your thoughts and efforts will get praise and appreciation from higher officials. During this time, a female officer or colleague can contribute significantly to making your work successful. This period will also be auspicious for those, who have been waiting for promotion and transfer in their jobs for a long time as they are likely to get good news. Those who are looking for their first job will get a good opportunity at their desired place of work.

For the merchant class, especially those who do business related to abroad, they can get good profit. Travelling to further or to expand your business will also yield auspicious results at this time.

It is also an auspicious period for acquiring higher education, students can get admission to their favorite universities, many students can also go abroad for higher education.

Married couples are likely to achieve full support from their spouses during this transit. You are also likely to spend some quality moments together which will help strengthen the relationships. Single natives born in this zodiac can expect the presence of an old lover in their life, who had previously ignored your love. This is because this time will help to convey your true feelings and emotions in the right way.

Remedy- To enhance the results, worship Goddess Katyayani daily during this transit.


For the Cancer moon sign, Venus holds the lordship of the fourth house of happiness, luxury, popularity, mother, land and real estate and the eleventh house which represents gains and profits of all types, status and friends. It will be transiting through your eighth house from which we see longevity, sudden gains and transformation.

As it is directly aspecting your second house of accumulated wealth and family, it will definitely bring up some sudden profits that will provide a monetary boost to you during this transit, But, as the Venus is also the fourth house of comfort and luxuries, so you will be inclined to spend your money on the things that add on to your comforts and luxuries, which can sometimes lead to impulsive buying.

There is nothing wrong with it, but you can also pamper yourself through many different ways at free of cost. So, investing your money the right way on your ideas and work during this transit will see you smiling your way through the bank. This is an eventful time of the year so putting your focus in the right direction is very important.

Married natives are likely to receive profits from their spouse. Committed couples looking to take their relationship to the next level are likely to see their dreams come true. Students indulging in research or higher studies such as PhD. are likely to get more favorable results than students doing their routine studies.

Healthwise, you may encounter some issues related to eyes or your lower abdomen, especially related to U.T.I. So, give your water intake high and avoid eating any kind of spicy or fried food during this duration. For eyes, take proper sleep and spend less time on television and mobile.

Remedy- Donate beauty related items to Goddess Mahalakshmi on Friday.

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Venus will be transiting through the seventh house of your horoscope during this transit. This transit will be very beneficial for the single natives born under this sign, as they are likely to get married during this cycle of Venus. Married natives are also likely to enjoy bliss, harmony and new energy in their relationships. The camaraderie between you two will flourish during this transit. Committed couples will think about furthering their relationship during this time.

Professionally, you might find low motivation and job satisfaction in your work which can result in frustration, reduction in your productivity and efficiency. Because of this, you might also find it difficult to maintain cordial relationships with your boss and subordinates, further aggravating the negative effects on your job. So, try to be patient and disclose honestly to your employer about the problems that you are facing in your job. This will help them understand you better and will help you both reach an amicable solution.

The Leo natives indulging in a family business or working with their father will see themselves getting good opportunities to enhance their family legacy during this period. However, those of you in partnerships may have to remain cautious during this transit, as some ego clashes and disputes can happen between your and your partner. However, if you are planning to initiate any business, then doing it with your familiar persons like siblings, relatives and spouse can bring you favorable results. Also, avoid undertaking any kind of journeys, if not necessary during this period.

The students born under this sign are likely to achieve good results in their academics through their earnest efforts and hard work. On the health front, some of the Leo natives are likely to face some complications in your health especially related to hormones, skin and back. So, take care of your health and avoid strenuous activities and lifting heavyweights.

Remedy- Recite Venus Mantra “Om Shum Shukraya Namah” daily during the Venus hora.


For the natives born under the sign of the maiden, you will host Venus in the sixth house of your horoscope when it enters the Aquarius sign. From the sixth house, we see enemies, debts, diseases and also the challenges and obstacles that one has to face in their path towards progress.

Virgo natives might find themselves engaged in some clashes and arguments with their relatives at the start of this transit, which may affect their peace of mind. However, your father may achieve great progress during this duration in their area of work or business, which will be a source of relief and happiness for you. In terms of your love life, you might become over perfectionist during this time period, having high expectations from your partner which can hamper your relationship with them.

In terms of profession, people working in service sectors are likely to fare better in this transit. However, lack of proper recognition and appreciation from your seniors might make you agitated and frustrated at your workplace. As a result of this, you might pour all your aggression on your peers or subordinates, which is also going to result in strife with them. So, try and be calm, focus on your work, make sincere efforts and lastly appreciate yourself instead of being dependent on others for it. This will help you get better results from this transit.

Financially, not a good time to invest in any financial scheme, property and real estate. Also, maintaining a proper balance between your expenditures and income is of paramount importance.

A Beneficial planet like Venus in the sixth house is not good for immunity, which indicates that you have to keep a close check on your eating habits and diet during this period.

Remedy- Wear crystal quartz rosary around your neck on Friday.


Librans are likely to witness better coordination and harmony in their relationship with their children as they are likely to host their ascendant lord Venus in their fifth house that represents progeny, ideas, love, romance, planning and strategies.

Professionals born under the sign of the scales are likely to get opportunities or responsibilities that will help you hone your skills or earn necessary experience at your workplace. This will help you grow and excel in your professional arena or field later on. For business individuals, this is a beneficial time for growth. Those in business partnerships are also likely to make money during this transit. Also, those working in fields related to commissions, trading and stock market will rake in good moolah during this period. Overall, a great period that will see you achieving great financial gains.

In terms of personal life, this period is a very good period to enter into new relationships, as it is likely to bring happiness, cheer and will last for a long period of time. Those already in relationships will be lively and vibrant in your relationships, your partner will understand your feelings, appreciate them, which will help you create stability and harmony in your relationship. Those who are married can be blessed with a baby during this transit.

Also, students will see an increase in their focus and concentration helping them to perform better in the academic pursuits. Also, those in creative fields like journalism, arts, media, writing etc. will be able to showcase their talents.

Remedy- Wear white clothes on Friday.

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For the Scorpio Moon sign, the mentor of the demon Venus has a lordship over the seventh house of marital relations, partnerships and the twelfth house of long journeys and expenditures. It will transit through your fourth house of happiness, comforts, mother, land and real estate during this time of the year. This indicates that Scorpio natives are likely to get beneficial results during this time period.

Personally, your home environment will be surrounded by bliss, harmony, happiness and contentment. You will feel an improvement in mother's health, relationships with her will also be strengthened during this transit. You are also likely to take great interest in doing up the decor of your home during this period. Those staying in foreign or anyplace away from their house will be inclined to return to their native place.

Your spouse will gain prosperity during this period, which will see an increase in your level of comfort and luxury. You may also spend money on buying new vehicles, gadgets, land or property. However, beware of indulging in any kind of over expenditure.

Those who are in love will see an increase in commitment and trust in their relationship. Also, natives looking to get married may come across many good proposals during this transit.

Professionally, your adaptability, flexibility and communication skills will help improve your social image and status, thus enhancing your work relationships during this time period. This transit is also favourable for business. They are likely to witness growth and stability in their operations.

However, students may fare well in their higher studies. Overall, a great period which will provide positive development in all aspects of your life.

Remedy- Read or listen to the mythological story of the incarnation of Lord Parashurama.


Venus will be transiting through the third house of siblings, courage, efforts, communication and short trips for the Sagittarius moon sign. Venus governs the sixth house of competition and eleventh house of gains in your horoscope which indicates that this transit of Venus will bring auspicious results for you.

This period will be good for undertaking journeys and short trips for the natives born under the sign of the archer as they are likely to yield great monetary benefits and prosperous connections for them. During this period, your relationships with your younger siblings will also improve and they are likely to provide you with their full support and cooperation. Some of you might come across good opportunities through social media, internet and networking channels. This period will also see you enjoying a great time with your family and friends.

Professionally, this period will bring in great results related to the job. Those working in foreign organisations and multinationals are likely to get desired results in their job. As Venus is activating skill and growth houses during this period, enhancing new professional skills will help you in enhancing your growth and profits later on. Your efforts to improve your communication with your subordinates, colleagues and partners will help you achieve great progress in your career, or business as all of you are working for the same purpose or achievement of the same goal.

Love and romance are in the air during this time period, your love life is going to blossom during this transit phase. You are also likely to shower your beloved with gifts, valuables in this time period. Married couples are also likely to enjoy happiness in their relationship.

Students preparing for competitive exams will get good success in this period.

Remedy- Donate sugar on Friday to strengthen Venus.


Venus is the Yogakaraka planet for the Capricorn moon will be transiting through the second house of family and wealth for Capricornians which will provide beneficial results for them.

This transit of Venus is making a very prominent “Dhan yoga” which will see an increase in your accumulated wealth during this time period. Professionally, this is a great time period where you are likely to receive great job offers. Those of you awaiting increment or promotion, are likely to get it during this period.

Businessmen are also likely to witness growth in this period. As venus in 5th house lord and is positioned in 10th from itself, which indicates that this period will enhance their ability to present and execute their plans. This will enable them to grab lucrative and profitable deals during this transit. Your persuasive skills will also increase which will help you accomplish unfinished tasks during this transit.

Personally, you will get to spend some quality time with your spouse or partner. Also, great period if you have been desiring to expand your family for a long time. Some of you may also participate or host some auspicious events during this cycle of Venus. Your father’s progress will also be a source of joy and happiness in your family. Your love life will remain good. You are likely to purchase expensive gifts like gadgets, valuables for your beloved.

You will also spend more on luxuries and delicious food during this period, but you have to be careful as this may lead to an increase in your expenditure.

Full support and cooperation of the family will see the students scoring good grades in their exams. Overall, a great transit that is full of happiness and riches.

Remedy- Wear a good quality white opal crafted in silver on Friday.


The planet of love and romance, Venus will be transiting through the ascendant house of the Aquarius natives. Venus holds the lordship of fourth and ninth houses for the Aquarians, which is why this transit will bring auspicious results and better changes for them.

Your agreeable and cooperative attitude will help you gain good progress on your professional front, You are also likely to get full cooperation, recognition and support from your seniors during this period. Professional or business trips taken during this transit are likely to yield great results. Traders born under this sign will be able to get good deals for themselves at this time.

Financially, this period will see an increase in your income and wealth. Some of you may get good profits through sale, purchase of land during this transit. Benefits and gains from the mother can also be foreseen for many of the individuals born under the sign of Aquarius. With luck and fortune on your side, this period will be great for investments as they are likely to provide you with significant returns later on.

Your soft and receptive attitude will help you get close to your spouse during this period. The single natives will work on their charm, improving their mannerisms and look which will help them to attract many from the opposite sex towards them. You will also not hold yourself from getting good things in your life, which will see an increase in your luxuries and comforts during this period. Overall, a period which will see you achieving mental peace, happiness and prosperity.

Remedy- Serve or feed the mother cow during this transit to strengthen your Venus.


For Pisces moon sign, Venus transit will happen through the twelfth house of expenditures, foreign travels and loss. This period will lead to an increase in your expenditure. Maximum of this expenditure will be on the unnecessary purchases, to increase your comfort and luxuries, to pamper yourself. So, avoid indulging in any kind of excesses during this period.

Also, your siblings might also look towards you for economic and monetary support from you, which may also result in increasing economic burden for you. Your siblings can also go abroad for work-related matters. This period may also bring in unwanted travels for some of the natives which may result in wastage of both money and energy. Health may also remain fragile for the Pisces individuals, so, give proper attention to your health and take full responsibility towards it. Try and inculcate yoga, meditation in your daily routine and exercise control over your eating habits.

Professionally, it is a period to hold on tightly to whatever you have instead of taking risks. If you want to make any kind of investments during this period, then make them after consulting your mentor, father or fatherly figures. Also, remain cordial to females and maintain moral distancing from them, otherwise, you could find yourself in big trouble.

Personally, eighth and twelfth houses both represent secrecy and Venus in the 12th house indicates secret love affairs for some of the natives born under the sign of the fish. So, try to get rid of them, some problems can be there in your married life later on. Single natives may hesitate to express their emotions and longings for someone they like, which can result in loneliness and frustration.

Remedy- Donating milk on Monday and Friday will bring auspicious results.

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