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Venus Transit in Sagittarius (04 January 2021 )

Venus, the planet that governs beauty, romance, creativity is transiting from the intense and emotional sign Scorpio to a more fiery and focused sign Sagittarius, which is represented by an archer. Venus will move into this sign on the 4th of January in 2021 at 04:51 AM on Monday.

Venus Transit in Sagittarius

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Let’s see what this transit has in store for all the zodiac signs

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Venus, the lord of wealth, family, spouse and vocation for Aries natives will transit in their ninth house of fortune and luck. Professionally, Venus in this house indicates that undertaking journeys will prove beneficial and you are likely to gain new business proposals and partnerships during this time period. This is also an auspicious time for the businessmen to promote or push their new products or ideas in the marketplace. Those of you who are in fields like public relations, communication and other such creative fields are likely to benefit from this transit. However, your expenses may remain a little high during this phase, so, maintaining a proper balance between your income and expenditure is of paramount importance.

Personally, if you are married, then during this period, your relationship with your spouse and children will get strengthened. Your spouse is also likely to gain progress and prosperity in his/her respective fields and profession. However, as Venus is helmed between malefic planets, also known as “Paap Kartari” yoga, indicates that some of the committed couples may have ego clashes or showdown with their partners. So, do not let your ego dominate your decision-making process. Some of the natives may also see some religious or auspicious events happening on their home front. Single natives are likely to get attracted to someone special but he/ she may be from a different cultural or educational background.

Students also born under this sign are likely to make steady progress in their academics. Also, students preparing for the competitive exams may get the desired results during this period.

Overall, a good transit that will see fulfilment of your desires.

Remedy - Reading the Incarnation tale of Lord Parshuram daily in the Morning will bring auspicious results.


Venus governs the first house of self, personality and sixth house of competitions and obstacles for the Taurus sign and is positioned in the eighth house of transformation and sudden gains.

This transit will offer you a professionally favourable time, which is likely to see you getting good appreciation, validation coupled with prizes and increments from your senior management and higher authorities. Venus governs the sixth house of service and duty for Taureans and it indicates that whatever efforts you put in at your workplace during this period are likely to yield desired and beneficial results. Those looking for a change in job will also get favorable outcomes.

It will be a favorable time for those who are looking to settle their old dues and liabilities, and also for the businessmen as they are likely to get their previously loaned money during this transit. However, some impulsive buying or hasty decision might lead to over expenditure, so, try to keep a check on it.

Personally, this transit of Venus may provide some sudden gains from the ancestral property as it is positioned with the fourth house lord of property, the Sun in the eighth house. This also might result in the purchase of a new home for some of the Taurus natives. This period also indicates financial benefits from your spouse and support from your in-laws’ side. Single natives born under this sign are likely to get into relationships which will be rejuvenating for you. However, some of the natives may remain worried about the health and wellbeing of their children.

Also, it will be a favorable time period for the students who are looking to start learning some new course or subject.

However, healthwise, this period indicates that it may remain fragile and you may get recurrent problems related to cold and cough and eyesight. So, keep a proper check on your health in this duration.

Remedy - Wear White Opal or Diamond in your right-hand ring finger as this will bring auspicious results.


This period is also going to provide auspicious results for the Gemini natives, as Venus which governs your fifth house and is also the ruling lord of love and romance and the twelfth house of pleasures is positioned in your seventh house of relationships, marriage, vocation and travels.

Personally, single natives are likely to enter into committed relationships during this time period. Also, if you are in a committed relationship, favorable results are on the cards. As, Venus in this house is with third house lord, the Sun and the ascendant lord Mercury, which indicates that your persuasive, communication and flattery skills will help you impress your partner and strengthen the relationship between you two during this duration. However, as the Sun is involved, you might become a little overcritical regarding small things, which might result in some clashes or differences with your partner.

For Married natives, Venus as the Karaka for this house is not considered beneficial in this position, which indicates that the health of your spouse or beloved may decline during this transit.

Professionally, a good period to undertake journeys as they will be rewarding and full of profits and income. Businesses, especially running in the form of partnerships are likely to witness growth and rise in profits. Also, for businessmen of this sign, being social and making new contacts will provide you with opportunities to expand your business.

However, health-wise, you may face some issues related to skin, hormones and especially U.T.I so, try and keep yourself hydrated during this period, though, it will be cold during this time of the year, but, drinking plenty of water is essential to keep yourself fit and healthy.

Remedy - Donate beauty related or cosmetic products to young girls.


Cancer natives might witness a decline in your mother's health as Venus, which governs your fourth house of Mother, land and comforts is positioned in your sixth house of diseases, obstacles and hurdles. As Venus is in conjunction with the second house lord, the Sun and the twelfth house lord, Mercury during this transit, this indicates that it may not be the right period to go ahead with any deal regarding sale and purchase of the property.

It is also not a suitable time period to start any repair work, whether it is related to your home, office or your vehicle as it may lead to wastage of both, your money and energy. Some clashes over the parental property with your relatives can also disrupt your peace of mind. So, keep your cool and be positive, take a decision when the right time arrives.

Professionally, it is a period that may encourage you to change your job as there are multiple effects perpetrated by Venus, the transit lord, but, you are advised against it. Rather, this is a period to lie low, sharpen your old skills and learn new ones in order to gain beneficial results later on.

Businessmen are also advised against initiating anything new and take decisions according to the resources that are at your disposal, otherwise, you are going to come under the burden of loans and debts in this period. Also, if any important decision needs to be made, then it should be done after taking the advice from the experts of the particular field.

On the health front, your sleeping pattern might remain disturbed, which may result in problems with eyesight. So, try and take regular and proper sleep during this duration.

Remedy - Donate white things like rice, sugar, wheat flour and milk on Mondays and Fridays.

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Leo zodiac sign will host Venus in the fifth house of love, intellect and romance which is likely to bring auspicious results for them.

Professionally, it is a very favorable time as Venus being the tenth house lord is positioned in your fifth house, which indicates that you will be able to execute your ideas successfully, which will make your higher authorities and seniors noticing you, leading to gains and increment in the process. Also, if you are a government employee, or in a transferable job, you might get transferred to the destination of your liking.

Businessmen are also likely to see their policies yielding them great returns and profits. It is also a great time to invest your money in property or in some other areas like insurance, FDs etc. which might secure you and your family’s future. It is also going to be a beneficial period for those who want to convert their hobbies and skills into a profession or business.

Personally, it is the right time for the single natives to enter into a relationship as any relationship that begins in this period is likely to be full of fun, cheer, contentment and happiness. For married natives also, this period will be full of playfulness, wit, compassion and harmony. Your relationship with your children is also likely to get stronger during this transit. Those couples looking forward to expanding their family will get favorable news during this transit.

Students, especially in the fields of art and craft are likely to benefit from this transit. Healthwise, things are likely to remain stable during this period.

Remedy - Take blessings from the young girls, before leaving for important tasks.


Venus, the lord of the second house of accumulated wealth, family and savings and the ninth house of luck and fortune is positioned in the fourth house of luxuries, comforts and home along with the ascendant for the natives born under the sign of the maiden. This indicates that this period is going to be auspicious for your mother’s health. Also, you are likely to get gains and profits from your mother. This transit is likely to increase your luxuries and comforts, also, you may add on to your existing property or vehicle in this time period. Some of you may deck up the interiors of your house or office during this period.

Professionally, as the ninth and tenth house lord, Mercury and Venus are together and this indicates that you may get favorable opportunities to move ahead in your career and earn name, fame and wealth. This also indicates that you are likely to get favorable support from your mentors, father, senior and higher authorities that will provide you with the necessary motivation to move ahead in your career. Businessmen, particularly those running their family businesses are likely to get more opportunities to take their legacy forward.

Also, during this period, your willingness to spend more time with your family is likely to incline you to take up assignments that will enable you to work from home. Your peace of mind and contentment will be your topmost priority in this period, rather than attaining any authoritative position.

In terms of personal life, happiness, positivity will prevail in your home environment. In relationships, you will be more adaptable, flexible and receptive towards the emotions and demands of your partner or beloved. This will bring solidarity between you two.

Overall, this transit will prove to be favourable which indicates an improvement in all spheres of your life.

Remedy - Worship Laxmi Narayan Bhagwan daily in the Morning.


Venus, your ascendant lord will be positioned in your third house of communication, courage, valour and siblings will bring auspicious results for the natives born under the sign of the scales. As your ascendant lord Venus is transiting through the third house, which governs your siblings, it indicates that you are likely to get benefits from your siblings in this duration.

Professionally, this period is likely to make you more ambitious, courageous, focused more on your goals. This will see you sparing no efforts in order to realise or achieve your ambitions. As Venus sitting here is in conjunction with the lord of the ninth house of fortune Mercury, which indicates that luck will support you in all your endeavors.

As the third house also represents communication, which indicates that you will be more than willing to communicate, full of team spirit and will be cheerful in your approach towards your co-workers, which will create an astounding rapport of yours among them. This is also a very good period to exchange your ideas and information, as that will provide you with many opportunities that you may not have imagined earlier.

Short trips, journeys and travel are undertaken during this period are likely to provide good profits and gains.

In terms of personal life, single natives may eventually get to find their special someone during a family get together or friends reunion during this transit. However, an over desirous nature of the married natives can create some problems in their marital life and relationships. So, keeping their desires in check is of paramount importance in this period.

Remedy - Wear Crystal Quartz Rosary beads to get benefic results of the planet Venus.

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Scorpio natives will host the lord of romance and beauty Venus in their second house, which is likely to bring beneficial results for them. In terms of personal life, unmarried natives are likely to find the right partner during this time period. For married natives, their relationship will be full of harmony and bliss, your partner will shower their full support and affection towards you. Those of you looking to expand your brood may get lucky during this transit.

Professionally, a very good period to start any new venture, but as Venus is in your second house of family, which indicates that you will value doing your business with a familial person like your friend, spouse, siblings rather than with somebody who is unknown to you. This will provide you with emotional and financial security. Your persuasive powers and an uncanny ability to establish relationships with others is likely to enhance your personal finances during this period. You are likely to earn income from various sources during this transit. Also, some of the Scorpio natives may earn profits or get benefits from foreign lands and sources.

However, as Venus, your seventh house lord is positioned eighth from itself, which indicates that the health of your spouse or beloved might remain fragile during this transit. So, try and spend some quality time with your spouse as it will provide him/her with strength to cope up with this period.

Remedy - Recite “Ashta Lakshmi” Stotra daily in the morning.

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Venus transiting through the ascendant which governs our personality, self and nature will bring auspicious results for the Sagittarius natives.

Professionally, you are likely to see a rise in your income and come across many opportunities that will help you to grow in your profession and career. Also, professionals looking for a change in the job are likely to find jobs in their desired fields with higher positions and salaries. Businessmen born under the sign of an archer are also likely to book profits and gains during this transit, as Venus in this position is making a very strong Raj Yoga in conjunction with the Sun and Mercury. This will also provide you with a strong capacity to earn name, fame and wealth during this transit.

Personally, your bond with your friends is likely to strengthen in this period, you are also likely to host get-togethers or small parties in favor of them, which is likely to make them feel special. For Sagittarius bachelors, presence of Venus in your ascendant will provide you with charismatic aura and persuasive powers which is likely to attract many from the opposite sex towards you. However, married or committed natives might find their partners complaining that they are taking the relationship for granted and not spending enough time with them. So, make sure to pay heed to your spouse’s demand and maintain a proper balance between work and personal life.

On the health front, things are not looking great, so inculcating yoga, meditation and a healthy diet in your daily routine is necessary to avail better results of this transit. As when you will be fit, only then you will be able to make the best of the opportunities provided to you.

Remedy - Meditate on the Venus yantra daily during the morning hours.


Venus present in the twelfth house along with the sixth house lord Mercury and eighth house lord the Sun will be a favorable period for the Capricorn natives looking for opportunities to settle abroad or for those of you already working in Multinational companies or foreign organisations. The students born under the sign of the sea goat seeking opportunities to study abroad are likely to see their dreams come true. Professionally, as Venus in conjunction with sixth house lord Mercury aspecting the sixth house of enemies, it is a good period to settle disputes or bury hatchets with your competitors and enemies.

This period will also provide you with multiple opportunities to earn income and various business proposals, but, you are advised to take decisions only after properly weighing the pros and cons of the situations. Otherwise, you are going to incur losses in the bargain.

Personally, Venus being the Karaka of spouse in twelfth and “Paap Kartari” Yoga indicates not so auspicious results for married Capricorn natives. Your spouse may suffer from health problems, which is going to make them easily annoyed and hurt even at the pretext of small issues, so be nice and gentle towards him/her, if you want to maintain peace at the home front. Some of the natives may also find their children acting stubbornly during this transit. But, it is suggested that instead of reprimanding them or forcing them, just try to adopt a friendlier approach with them, as it will provide beneficial results.

Remedy - Recite “Sri Suktam” daily in the Morning.


Venus being a “Yogakaraka planet” transiting through your eleventh house of success, income and profits will provide beneficial results for Aquarius natives.

Personally, it is a beneficial transit for the eligible natives born under this sign, as they are likely to get hitched during this period. Single natives willing to enter into committed relationships are likely to get intrigued by someone special. Married natives may stumble upon bliss, harmony and contentment in their relationships, You are likely to spend quality time with your spouse and may even take them to their favorite joints and places, which may strengthen the relationship between you two. Your spouse or beloved may also provide you with gains and benefits during this transit.

Your friends will also enjoy your company during this transit, your social networking skills will come handy as you will be making new friends and contacts in this duration, which are going to provide you with benefits later on.

Professionally, your ability to multitask will help increase your productivity and efficiency at your workplace, thus bringing in accolades and appreciation from the higher management. Self-employed people are likely to earn from multiple sources during this time period. Those indulging in trading, Stock Market are likely to book good margins and profits in this duration. You will be literally having a Midas touch in this duration. So, be humble and do not take risks without proper assessment of the situation.

Remedy - Chant the Venus Mantra during the Venus Hora daily to get auspicious results from this transit.


Venus, being your eighth house lord of transformation and uncertainty, transiting through your tenth house of profession and career is going to provide average or mixed results for the natives born under the sign of the fish.

Personally, as Venus is the eighth house lord with the seventh house Lord, Mercury indicates that you may face some temperamental differences or altercations with your spouse or beloved. Some disputes with your younger siblings may also disturb your peace of mind and home environment. So, maintain your calm and avoid using any kind of harsh words, if you want to maintain harmony at your home front.

Professionals born under this sign might witness some fast changes in their work environment that may catch them with surprise and may result in some kind of chaos and disorder. But. you have to understand that these changes are there to make you more mature and responsible. These are there to create a solid foundation for the future.

Some of the natives might find their job, dull and monotonous and may be inclined to switch to some other place. However, they are advised against it and maintain consistent and persistent efforts at your current workplace. However, businesses are likely to yield profits in this duration. It is a good time period to increase your social circle and generate new business opportunities out of it.

Students, especially those preparing for government or competitive exams are likely to pass with flying colours in this duration.

Remedy - Apply white sandalwood paste on your forehead daily in the morning.

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