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Jupiter Rise In Aries (27 April 2023)

Jupiter Rise In Aries: Jupiter, the major planet in Vedic Astrology, is set to rise in Aries at 02:07 on April 27, 2023. Jupiter, the beneficent planet and planet of wisdom in Vedic Astrology, is masculine in nature. In this article, we will look at the Jupiter Rise In Aries and the positive and bad characteristics that it may bring. If Jupiter is situated in its own signs, Sagittarius and Pisces, it will produce highly efficient outcomes. The rise of Jupiter in Aries, ruled by the warrior planet Mars, is generally favorable, as Jupiter is in a friendly sign ruled by Mars.

Mercury Combust In Aries

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Jupiter gets exalted in Cancer ruled by the Moon and this is the fourth sign from the natural zodiac. Jupiter placed in Cancer offers a stable mind, grace and happiness. There could be more travel for the natives with Jupiter in Cancer sign exalted and some natives may be fortunate to be present abroad and develop themselves in career and gain more during this time. Natives may also be able to gain more interest in spiritual pursuits during this time as Jupiter is aspecting the fifth house from the natural zodiac.

On the other hand, if Jupiter is placed in Capricorn and this is the debilitated sign of Jupiter, then natives might lose benefic results and there might be shortage of money, lack of auspiciousness, fortunes etc. So let's go ahead and know through this special article what will be the impact of the upcoming Jupiter Rise In Aries in 2023 on the lives of the 12 zodiac signs and what measures can be taken to avoid it.

हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें: बृहस्पति का मेष राशि में उदय (27 अप्रैल, 2023)

Jupiter Planet In Vedic Astrology

Jupiter in Astrology known as the Guru of Devas (Deities) and being a spiritual planet, possesses all divine qualities. Without the blessings and strength of Jupiter, one cannot have high supremacy and control over auspicious things.

A person with strong Jupiter and if Jupiter is placed in its own ruling sign; Sagittarius and Pisces in his horoscope at the time of birth, then he is bound to meet with all good qualities, fortunes etc. If Jupiter is placed in Cancer in its exalted sign, then the natives with such placement may be able to excel in whatever they pursue. Such natives may also get the high chance of associating with highly influential persons in society.

A strong Jupiter may confer the natives with all physical and mental happiness if it is associated with strongly placed planets. On the other hand, if Jupiter combines with the malefic planets like Rahu/Ketu it will get eclipsed and due to this one might suffer from health ailments, mind depression, loss of status and loss of money etc. If Jupiter combines with Rahu, then it creates Guru-Chandal Yoga (which denotes bad omens) and if Jupiter combines with Ketu, then it forms Koteeswara Yoga (which denotes fortunes and abundance). To gain benefits and blessings of Jupiter-one can wear Yellow Sapphire gemstone in gold may enable the natives to meet with prosperity but only after consulting an expert astrologer. Also, reciting the Sanskrit text: Lingaasthakam daily will confer immense benefits. Also, one can do Havan-Yagya for Lord Rudra on Thursday to reap fruitful outcomes.

The Predictions In This Article Are Based On Moon Signs. Call the best astrologers on the phone and know in detail about the impact of this transit on your life.

Jupiter Rise In Aries: Zodiac Wise Horoscope

Let us now observe what will be the implications of Jupiter Rise In Aries in 2023 on each zodiac sign, along with the surefire solutions:


For the Aries natives, Jupiter is the ninth and twelfth house lord and occupies the first house. Here the first house is for self, future and characteristics.

Sun as the fifth house lord placed in the first house is a good placement for strong health and energy. But at the same time, natives might get provoked and lose themselves in relationships. On the other hand, pursuing major decisions can also look to be very fine and easy for these natives and such decisions may yield flexible results.

Jupiter as the ninth house lord placed in the first house may give more interest in spiritual matters and also arouse interest in natives to go on long distance travel. Jupiter Rise In Aries in 2023 will prove to be quite favorable for these natives.

With Jupiter as the twelfth house lord placed in the first house may give a chance for international journeys and also stay permanently abroad.

With respect to career, the Jupiter Rise In Aries taking place in the first house may confer the natives with high benefits in terms of satisfaction with respect to career and its mutual aspect over the seventh house and ninth house may provide the natives with promotions, support from colleagues and recognition from superiors. During the end of the period, there might be change in job, change in location for some natives.

Natives doing business may benefit in a vast manner and they may be able to gain various new business contacts and derive more profits. Gaining new business via on site journeys may also be possible during this course of time. Natives may be in a comfortable position to earn the reputation of several business personalities who may be having high expertise under their belt. Jupiter’s mutual aspect over the seventh house for these natives may be able to maintain the existing business set up and also they could be in a position to derive new business contacts which may give them high profits and earn reputation.

On the financial side, this time can be considered as boom time for these natives generally with more scope for saving money, generating high levels of money with wide opportunities present during this course of time. Since Jupiter as the twelfth house lord occupies the first house may give mixed results in the form of gains and expenses. But the aspect of Jupiter will be good and offer the natives more scope for earning and saving.

When it comes to relationships, these natives might witness some disputes in their relationship with their life partner due to ego issues. It will be essential for natives and may be wise to listen to the advice of elders and adjust with their partner during this course of time to maintain happiness. There might be some issues in the family and it will be essential for the natives belonging to this sign to have discussion with life partners and sort out the same.

When it comes to health, these natives could suffer headaches, pain in legs, digestion problems etc and all these may be possible for them due to their insecure feelings and stress. But at the same time, there will not be major problems for these natives during this period.

From the first house, Jupiter aspects the seventh house, fifth house and ninth house and due to this, natives may be gaining immense benefits in terms of gaining more money, gaining interest in spiritual matters, and gaining reputation in profession etc.

Remedy- Chant “Om Suryaya Namah” daily 19 times a day.


For Taurus natives, Jupiter is the eighth and eleventh house lord and occupies the twelfth house. Here the twelfth house is for loss, spiritual inclination and long distance travel etc.

Jupiter as the eighth house lord placed in the twelfth house may give more scope for gaining through inheritance, gaining via unexpected sources etc. Also, Jupiter placed in the twelfth house might put the natives to bear unwanted money loss. Some natives might also get chances to gain via insurance etc.

With Jupiter as the eleventh house lord placed in the twelfth house during this period, natives may be able to witness both gains and expenses. It could be a little tough for the natives to earn more money and also save the money that they earn.

With respect to the career front, this Jupiter Rise In Aries might not be fine for the natives belonging to this sign as chances for excitement, satisfaction might not be high with respect to the work that they are undergoing. Some natives could lose their job and some may change their jobs due to lack of satisfaction. Along with this, these natives might have to face job pressure.

On the financial side, the natives may be facing high levels of expenses and some natives might be facing the situation of money loss due to negligence during this time.

When it comes to relationships, these natives may witness less results with their life partner and their family members. Such things may be possible due to lack of understanding which might result in arguments. It may be essential for the natives belonging to this sign to resort to adjustment and this may be required at this hour. Natives might have a lack of trust in their life partner and this could spoil the relationship.

Health for the natives belonging to this sign might not be smooth and these natives might suffer pain in legs, thighs and in shoulders. Also, these natives might be lacking immunity.

From the twelfth house, Jupiter aspects the fourth house, sixth house and eighth house and due to this, there could be lack of comforts, lack of sleep with lack of energy. Natives might also be facing a lot of unwanted worries and obstacles during this period.

Remedy- Chant “Om Namah Shivaya” daily 11 times.


For Gemini natives, Jupiter is the seventh and tenth house lord and occupies the eleventh house during this period. Here the eleventh house is for fulfillment of desires, immense satisfaction etc.

Jupiter as the seventh house lord placed in the eleventh house may give more scope for gaining more money and benefiting through business and earning profits etc. Also, natives may be able to gain new contacts.

With Jupiter as the tenth house lord present in the eleventh house may give more benefits with respect to gaining new job chances, gaining via promotion and other benefits. Some of the natives may be traveling abroad and such chances will be too much exiciting.

With respect to the career front, the Jupiter Rise In Aries will be highly smooth and favorable and promise the natives with high end job chances which may be new and also growth oriented. Natives may be in a position to achieve even high targets with more ease and gain reputation. There may be recognition for these natives with respect to their jobs much to their delight.

For the natives who are doing business may be in a strong mood and may reach a high level of profits within a short span of time. Natives may be able to give a healthy and fitting competition to their competitors and question their survival in business. Natives during this time will be in a position to do extremely well if they pursue outsourcing business. Pursuing more than one line of business may also be possible for them.

On the financial side, it can be said that natives may be more lucky in earning a high level of money and benefit from the same. The scope to save more money may be possible during this period. Natives may also be in a position to accumulate more money via inheritance etc.

When it comes to relationships, this movement of Jupiter may be a smooth one with more cordiality and understanding for these natives with their life partner. There may be a high level of bondedness possible with a good level of attraction. There will also be a great level of adjustment with partners.

Health for the natives belonging to this sign may be smooth and natives will be maintaining their health due to courage and belief that they will be possessing. There may be good enthusiasm prevailing for these natives during this time.

From the eleventh house, Jupiter aspects the third house, fifth house and seventh house and due to this, natives may be able to gain upper hand in developing themselves, gain via spiritual pursuits, and gain in business etc.

Remedy- Chant “Om Namo Narayana” daily 21 times.

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For Cancer natives, Jupiter is the sixth and ninth house lord and present in the tenth house during this period. Here the tenth house is for career, recognition and reputation etc.

Jupiter as the sixth house lord present in the ninth house may give high scope for service mindedness, growth in job, exciting career chances etc. Natives may be able to gain reputation etc. But at the same time, there could be chances for change of job for betterment.

Jupiter as the ninth house lord present in the tenth house may give more benefit for the natives in terms of gaining promotion, good luck in job, getting new job chances, earning reputation and gaining recognition etc. Also natives during Jupiter Rise In Aries may have high end values and work on principles.

With respect to the career front, this time could be giving mixed results. There might be change in jobs due to lack of satisfaction and job pressure for the natives belonging to this sign. Some may be forced to relocate their jobs locations which they might not like.

Natives who are doing business may have moderate profits during this period. Natives may face competition from their opponents and may be unable to control the strain that they are putting on them.

On the financial front, this period may not be extremely rewarding, but it may also not be too bad. Natives who make money during this period may not be able to keep the money they have with them. Some natives might lose money when traveling.

When it comes to relationships, these natives may witness moderate results in relationships. There may be chances for ego related problems which might result in less happiness and due to this, natives need to adjust in relationship with their life partner

Health may not be in a good position during this period as there may be chances for more headaches, irritations in eyes etc. There may be chances for digestion problems.

From the tenth house, Jupiter is aspecting the second house, fourth house and sixth house during this transit. Due to this, natives belonging to this sign might be facing money problems, problems in relationships, family issues and worries over development of family.

Remedy- Chant “Om Chandraya Namaha” daily 11 times.


Jupiter is the fifth and eighth house lord for Leos and is present in the ninth house during this period. Here the ninth house is for fortunes, long travel and spiritual traits.

Jupiter as the fifth house lord present in the eighth house can give high scope for earnings through inheritance, gains via speculation etc.

Jupiter as the eighth house lord is present in the ninth house may give more benefit for the natives with delays in getting fortunes, delays in getting money benefits etc.

In terms of career, this Jupiter Rise In Aries may yield both positive and negative outcomes. Natives may be able to acquire promotion rewards, benefits from extensive travel, recognition from superiors, an interest in spiritual topics, and so on. Natives may change employment for better opportunities, and such new job opportunities may provide them with greater satisfaction.

During this time, natives who conduct business might experience both gains and losses. For natives to increase their business profitability, some change is required. For the natives, business satisfaction could be low. There may be more competition for natives who are in business, and in order to benefit from this, natives must design new methods for their businesses in order to meet profits and win over.

On the financial front, the Jupiter Rise In Aries in 2023 may not be extremely profitable, but it may also not be too awful. These natives may see mixed results in the form of both gains and losses over this time period. On one side, natives may be gaining more money and on the other side, natives may be meeting with loss.

When it comes to relationships, these natives may have average outcomes, which might also result in less harmony and exact pleasure for the natives. Arguments could arise for natives born under this sign throughout this time period.

Health may be moderate for these natives during this course of time. It might not be so good and at the same time, it might not be so bad. There may be spending for the natives during this period. Natives may be having headaches and digestion problems. But there will not be major health problems.

During this time, Jupiter is aspecting the first, third, and fifth houses from the ninth house. As a result, those born under this sign may have good health, a good reputation, and a greater interest in spiritual topics.

Remedy- Chant “Om Gurave Namaha” daily 21 times.

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Jupiter is the fourth and seventh house lord for Cancer natives, and it will be present in the eighth house during Jupiter Rise In Aries. The eighth house represents problems and delays in this case.

Jupiter, as the fourth house lord present in the eighth house, may indicate the possibility of relocating owing to maintenance, spending more money on the acquisition of a new home, or spending money on mother. During this time, the natives might experience a lack of comfort.

With Jupiter as the seventh house lord present in the eighth house, this may result in gains from inheritance, help from friends, and so on. There could be delays in obtaining the additional benefits that these natives anticipate.

With respect to the career front, this Jupiter Rise In Aries in 2023 may be giving less positive results. Natives could be dissatisfied with their jobs. During this time, natives could face work pressure. Because of the foregoing, natives must organize their attempt to obtain more success. Natives could be disappointed since they do not receive adequate recognition for their work.

For the natives who are doing business may be put to the situation of facing loss and less profits. There could be chances for more obstacles from the competitors for these natives and thereby they might not be able to manage the situation and eventually they might be put to the situation of facing loss.

On the financial side, the rise of Jupiter might not be highly favorable for these natives and there could be worries as they might have to bear unwanted expenses and money loss. So, it will be essential for these natives to be more careful.

In relationships, these individuals might have less cordiality and disagreements with their life partner. Because of this, natives and their life partners might not be able to achieve harmony during this time period. These natives must make a lot of adjustments.

Health might not be in a good position during this time as there might be chances for eye related infections and pain in eyes. Along with that, you might feel dizziness during this time.

During this time, Jupiter is aspecting the twelfth, second, and fourth houses from the eighth house. As a result, natives of this sign could face difficulties in earning more money, as well as financial loss and disruption of peace in the family.

Remedy- Chant Vishnu Sahasranamam daily.


For Libra natives, Jupiter is the third and sixth house lord and occupies the seventh house in this period. The seventh house is for friends, partnership and business.

With Jupiter as the third house lord present in the seventh house, natives may see progress in their efforts, rewards from long trip, and assistance from friends, businessmen, and so on.

With Jupiter as the sixth house lord present in the seventh house, natives may benefit and get success in business, gain new friends and associates during this time.

With respect to the career front, the Jupiter Rise In Aries may be giving both good and bad results. Natives during this time can gain recognition at work and at the same time they might have to face job pressure and stressful situations. Due to this, natives may need to adjust to work situations prevailing and give their best.

Natives who pursue business might experience both losses and profits. Profits for natives may be moderate throughout this period, and as a result, natives may be unable to manage business events.

On the financial side, the rise of Jupiter might not be highly beneficial and there could be more expenses for the natives during this period. There could be less scope for savings and chances of money loss.

When it comes to relationships, these natives may witness less success in relationships. There could be ego related issues with your life partner due to family issues prevailing. Due to such issues, there is a possibility of arguments with your life partner.

Health might not be in a good position during this time as there could be danger for more eye infections, hypertension, skin related problems etc.

During this time, Jupiter is aspecting the eleventh, first, and third houses from the seventh house. As a result, natives born under this sign could experience short-term financial advantages, tension, and communication difficulties, etc.

Remedy- Perform Yagya-Havan for planet Jupiter on Thursdays.


For Scorpio natives, Jupiter is the second and fifth house lord and present in the sixth house and the sixth house is for worries, health problems and debts.

Jupiter as the second house lord occupies the sixth house might increase expenses and cause troubles in the family. There could be arguments in the family and this might be due to lack of adjustment that the natives could be having during this period.

With Jupiter as the fifth house lord present in the sixth house, natives might be subjected to more stress and lack of harmony in the family. Natives could be possessing worries over their family development, and lack of money. Natives might be subjected to intense pressure and lack of happiness during Jupiter Rise In Aries.

In terms of career, this period could yield mixed results. This sign's natives might experience job changes due to dissatisfaction and work pressure. Some people might be forced to shift their work to undesirable locales. Also, natives might not be getting benefits like promotion and other incentives that they may be expecting immediately.

Natives who are doing business might face lower profits at this period. There could be scenarios of loss that these natives face that are beyond their expectations. Also, making important economic decisions during this period could be detrimental to these natives.

On the financial side, the rise of Jupiter might not be productive. Natives could be facing loss of money during this time. Even if the natives gain, they could face more expenses and might not be able to manage the same. Some natives might get into the situation of debts.

When it comes to relationships, these natives might experience less positive outcomes with their life partner, and there could be a lack of connection that these natives are experiencing that they might not be able to rebuild in order to keep unity.

During this period, health could suffer as a result of allergies, eye pain, and insomnia, among other things. Natives could also experience stress as a result of unwanted worries.

Jupiter is aspecting the tenth, twelfth, and second houses from the sixth house. Because of the abovementioned, natives might face significant job pressure, job changes, financial loss, and decreased personal satisfaction.

Remedy- Chant Hanuman Chalisa daily.

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For Sagittarius natives, Jupiter is the first and fourth house lord and present in the fifth house in this period and talking about the fifth house, it is the house for spiritual instincts, children and intelligence.

Jupiter as the first house lord present in the fifth house may give good benefits with respect to self development, auspicious occasions in family, support from children etc.

With Jupiter as the ninth house lord present in the tenth house, the natives can profit more in terms of promotion, job luck, child support, and so on.

Smooth outcomes may be possible for these natives, such as high job satisfaction, recognition, and promotion opportunities. During this time, these people may be able to find new employment opportunities.

Natives who are doing business may see good gains during this time period. They may be able to concentrate and apply their skills in business, enhancing them further. Natives may be able to effortlessly overcome competition and emerge victorious. During this time, natives may also find new business opportunities.

On the financial front, Jupiter Rise In Aries may be exceedingly profitable and yield results that please the natives. There may be more room for savings, and natives may keep the money they earn. More flexibility may be possible for these natives during this time, allowing them to generate good financial returns on their investments.

When it comes to relationships, these natives may gain good results in relationships and maintain happiness. They may be able to realize the essential facts for a cordial relationship to be maintained effectively.

Health might not be in a good position during this time for these natives and except for a few health problems like nervous issues and pain in legs, there will not be major problems.

From the fifth house, Jupiter is aspecting the ninth, eleventh house and first house during this period. Due to this, natives may be able to witness more luck, gain in a more convincing manner, fulfill their wishes and maintain good health.

Remedy- Perform Havan-Yagya for Lord Rudra on Thursdays.


Jupiter is the third and twelfth house lord and is present in the fourth house for Capricorn natives throughout this period. The fourth house represents property, material comforts, and mother in this case.

For the natives of this sign, Jupiter as the third house lord present in the fourth house symbolizes family bonding, happy events in the house, and assistance from siblings.

The presence of Jupiter, the twelfth house lord, in the fourth house indicates a change in fortunes, a change in domicile, a loss of comforts and prosperity for the natives of this sign.

With respect to the career front, this Jupiter Rise In Aries might not prove to be smooth. Suddenly, natives might have to deal with more work pressure, lack of job satisfaction, losing reputation in work etc. There could also be a lack of recognition for the work imposed by these natives and this might cause worries for the natives.

For the natives who are doing business might be seeing less profits during this course of time. Also, in business there is a possibility of loss. Natives might be facing a situation of heavy competition from competitors during this course of time.

On the financial front, Jupiter's rising may or may not be good. Natives who make money during this period might not be able to keep it. Some of the natives lose money while traveling.

When it comes to relationships, these natives may see less satisfaction with their life partner. Such things are likely as a result of ego issues and family issues that could keep happiness at bay during this time.

Health may not be in a good position during this period as there could be chances for pain in legs, thighs and joints during this course of period for these natives. Also, the natives might need to spend more money for the health of their mother.

From the fourth house, Jupiter is aspecting the eighth house, tenth house and twelfth house during this time. Due to this, natives belonging to this sign might be put to the situation of facing lack of comforts, stress in family, job pressure and money loss.

Remedy- Perform Yagya-Havan for Lord Hanuman on Saturdays.


For Aquarius natives, Jupiter is the second and eleventh house lord and present in the third house during Jupiter Rise In Aries.

Due to this, natives may be able to develop and gain good money, but at the same time might not be in a position to save what they are earning and this could be the problem. Natives may be put to more travel with respect to their career during this course of time.

With Jupiter as the eleventh house is present in the third house during this course of time. Due to this, natives may be able to gain via travel, creating an impression with their communication and engaging in fair dealings with others. During this time, these natives will also be able to fulfill their desires.

With respect to the career front, this time will be a moderate one for Aquarius natives. There could be job pressure for the natives during this period and at the same time, there may be development for these natives with respect to new jobs. Natives may be going for travel with respect to jobs and there may be change in location for the natives.

For the natives who are doing business are more prone to face situations for loss. There might not be any safety for these natives to operate the business in an efficient manner during this time. There could be problems in partnership with respect to business during this course of time.

On the financial side, the rise of Jupiter might not prove fruitful. There is a possibility of an increase in expenses during this time and at the same time, natives might not be in a position to manage the expenses efficiently.

When it comes to relationships, these natives might witness moderate results in relationships and due to this, there could be communication problems for the natives with their life partner. Consequently, natives need to resort to adjustment in a smart manner to maintain happiness.

Health might not be in a very good position for these natives and they might suffer headache, nervous problems etc during Jupiter Rise In Aries.

From the third house, Jupiter is aspecting the seventh house, ninth and eleventh house during this course of period. Natives belonging to this sign might not be able to capitalize on good things with respect to relationships, business, fortunes and wish fulfillment.

Remedy- Chant “Om Shiva Shiva Om” daily.


For Pisces natives, Jupiter is the first and tenth house lord and present in the second house in Jupiter Rise In Aries. Here the second house is for money gains, family and relationship.

Jupiter as the first house lord present in the second house during this period, may make the native to earn good money and make handsome savings. It will also bring the desire to enhance their money fortunes.

With Jupiter as the fourth house lord present in the second house, natives will be in a position to spend money for family development. Money that the natives earn during this time may invest in buying property and spend money for auspicious purposes in the family.

With respect to the career front, the Jupiter Rise In Aries in 2023 may produce positive results. New job opportunities may be possible for the natives during this time and due to this, you may feel delighted and make your life more satisfying. Natives during this period may go to the next level of getting promotion and other benefits.

For the natives who are doing business, this time may bring very good profits and they could also face challenges in business. Natives may be able to provide a healthy competition to their competitors during this course of time and emerge successfully.

On the financial side, the rise of Jupiter may be highly flexible and thereby these natives will be able to earn more, save and invest in useful schemes to make their standard of living good and fine.

When it comes to relationships, these natives can experience moderate results, and as a result, natives should adjust in their relationship with their life partner. There is a possibility of ego-related issues for these natives in a relationship.

During this time, the health of Pisces natives will be in good shape and these natives may not have any health issues.

From the second house, Jupiter aspects the sixth house, eighth house and tenth house during this transit. Due to this, natives belonging to this sign may witness benefits with respect to money, development with respect to career etc.

Remedy- Perform Yagya-Havan for Lord Shiva on Thursday.

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